Chapter 2

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Makoto quickly snuck into the palace stables, the smell of musty hay invading his nostrils and the quiet shuffling and snorting of horses could be heard. His mind still back on the street with that girl. She was stunning. When he saw her sitting there on the ground, her beautiful (H/C) hair ruffled, with that gorgeous creamy skin and her big (E/C) eyes staring up at him and that adorable shocked expression on her face his heart skipped a beat. She literally took his breath away. He had never felt that way about a girl before. Ever. When her hand touched his it was like someone electrocuted him.

What on earth is wrong with me? Well, at least she didn't seem to recognize me...fortunately not many people do when I'm not in my crown... yep, I guessed it. He's the prince. Who has a tendency to sneak out. Makoto quickly slipped through the back door and managed to creep back into his room without his parents catching him. Although Makoto had seen it so many times he barely noticed anymore, the craftsmanship of the palace was stunning.

Most of the walls were painted pristine white, the polished floorboards gleamed and every rug was plush and spotless. Gold embellishments were present in almost every room, on table and chair legs, on the bottoms of support pillars, every candelabra was made from pure gold, unless it was made from pure sliver. The huge oak doors and their doorknobs ~yes gold~ gleamed. The huge windows never had a speck of dirt, and the curtains were from only the finest material. A huge crystal chandelier glittered at the roof of almost every room. The huge marble staircases were polished to perfection.

Large portraits adorned almost every wall, not just the portrait hall, which had the portraits of every royal of the Iwatobi kingdom, past and present, including his. It took him hours of standing painstakingly still before the artist was finally satisfied. One thing you should know about Makoto. He did not like standing still for long periods of time. At all.

Makoto tiptoed up the marble staircase and slipped into his room. He made sure everything in his room was green, since it was his favorite color. All of the walls, except the ceiling which was white, was painted green. The dresser and large wardrobe were expertly crafted ~of course~ and made from expensive highly polished birch. An birch sofa with a green cushion was positioned in one corner. A large open window with green curtains which were swaying slightly in the breeze was set in the wall to his right. The only thing that left was his bed. The majestic birch master bed with hanging green drapes, a green duvet and pillows snow white sheets.

That was all in his room. His mom tried to keep the amount of furniture to a minimum, as he often turnt them into plants. How? He was a mage. A forest guardian to be exact. He was one of the few mages left in Iwatobi kingdom. Forest guardians were really rare as well. His dad was a forest guardian too, and his mom was a sky city guardian. His dad had taught him everything he knew at an early age. His room also had an suite bathroom; complete with a large shower and a bath that was more like a pool. Well, a round one. He sighed, pulled off his jacket, tossed it on his bed and made his way to his way to the bathroom. He seriously needed a shower.

After his shower, he felt a lot more refreshed, changed and made his way to the extravagant dining room for dinner. His father, as always, was positioned at the head of the table, his mother right beside him "Hello." He said, kissing his mother on the cheek ~since she liked that~ and sat down on the other side of his father "Good evening dear." His mother replied, looking up from where she had been buttering a bread roll. His mother has always been described as a beauty, her face was ageless, not a wrinkle in sight, she had big green eyes and dark brown hair that was never tied up in a bun but was curly at the ends. Despite being queen, she was wearing a blue green dress and no jewelry, but small diamond earrings and a thin sliver necklace.

His father, meanwhile, lowered the newspaper he had been reading and barked "You're late." Makoto sighed and slumped down in his chair "Sorry dad it won't happen again." His father frowned at him "You always say every time!" He huffed, going back to his newspaper. His father, like his mother, had an ageless face with no wrinkles. His eyes were the exact same forest green color as Makoto's. In fact, Makoto and his father nearly identical, except his mother's hair was dark brown and his father's hair was a light brown.

"So son." His father said, folding his newspaper and setting it on the table. He folded his hands under his chin and stared at Makoto. Here we go. Makoto slumped down even more in the chair "Yes?" "Your mother and I were having a chat and we both agree that it's about time you got yourself a wife." Makoto almost spat out the water he was drinking "Wait what?!" "Makoto, you're going to be older in a week." His mother said gently "It's about time you settled down and got married." "Not to mention we need an heir to the kingdom." His father added.

"Uh, I don't want to get married!" Makoto groaned "Those girls you keep forcing me to meet are all boring! If I have to get married I want it to be someone I actually want to spend my life with, and have a family with!" For some reason Makoto's mind jumped back to that (H/C) girl. He frowned. Huh...his parents shared a glance then turned back to Makoto " about we have a ball on your birthday, and we invite all the eligible young ladies in the kingdom." His mother started "No." Makoto said bluntly "You know I hate balls." "Well, then how about you go to this ball, and if you do find a lady that catches your eye..." Makoto huffed. His mother frowned at him before continuing "Then you can get to know her better or just marry her the next day, and if you don't find anyone then we'll leave you to sort out your love life by yourself." Makoto's ears pricked up at that. His parents had been pestering him for months about getting married. Having them off his case would be nice... "But, if you don't go to the ball, we're going to choose a wife for you." She ended "Fine, I'll go for your sake." He said picking up his fork "We are done with this now." His father said, glancing at his wife. She grinned at him, the both of them thinking the same thing. He bound to find someone...

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