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Asha cursed under her breath, hastily backing up against the wall. Of course she had been caught, trapped in the large room with the colossal teen.

With no parents to prevent her from doing so, she had ambled into a giant's house, entering his lavish bedroom without another thought.

Unsurprisingly, Harvey had found her. He had ensured that there would be no possible way for the minuscule girl to escape. The door remained closed, along with any windows in sight.

She glanced down at the polished marble floor, before averting her gaze to scowl up at him; her heartbeat amplified. He towered high above her, looming over her completely. His footsteps sent tremors through the ground, and in mere seconds they increased into powerful shockwaves, almost enough to knock the little human off her feet.

Asha gasped, frantically scanning her soundings, desperately searching for somewhere to run. But where? How could she possibly escape? Harvey was seemingly aware of this; he knelt down, carefully inching his hand closer to her until it brushed against her tiny frame.

Instinctively, she hit his finger, a shrill scream escaping her lips moments after. The giant took this as an opportunity to grab her, plucking her up and off of the ground as if she were merely an insect.

He stood up to his full height, dangling her in front of his face, trying to focus on her features.

The minuscule girl's mouth fell open, staring into those ginormous orbs that observed her every move. His eyes were green- that churning, passionate green that the ocean turns during a storm. She found herself captivated; she had always wanted green eyes. Hers were the a deep brown like the winter trees at twilight.

Reality hit her again, and she thrashed around in the air mindlessly, obviously not registering the fact that her actions could lead to her own demise. The young man cocked a brow in surprise, deciding upon speaking.

"Stop doing that, it's okay," he cooed; his voice was deep and smooth, quite relaxing. Asha's head snapped back around, a frown plastered on her pale face as she turned to meet his gaze.

"N-no! L-let me g-go... T-this instant!" She demanded, internally kicking herself for the pathetic stutter. The giant exhaled deeply, depositing her atop his palm.

Asha was far from impressed; her heart pounded in her chest, and she fought the urge to pound his face in- not that she could, anyway. She shakily crossed her arms over her chest, feeling stupid for trembling. She had always disliked feeling vulnerable, and this was by far the worst experience in the history of worst experiences.

"Um... Who are you? How did you get in my house?" Harvey questioned, genuinely curious.

The human girl turned away from him, as if refusing to answer the simple questions. He tried again, gently prodding her side.

"I won't hurt you, I promise. Come on, at least tell me your name," he huffed. She scrunched her face up in disgust, facing him once again. For once, the snarky girl was speechless, unable to choke out another word.

"Come on~ Don't be scared. I'm Harvey," he smiled reassuringly, pointing at himself. The minuscule girl bit her tongue. Why must he act so... Patronisingly? She curled up, folding up like a leaf on a fire, remaining silent.

"You... Still won't tell me?" He raised his eyebrows, sighing. "Oh for goodness sake! I'm not going to hurt you! I'd never hurt such a tiny, fragile, helpless being like yourself," he blurted out abruptly; he had tried to remain patient, but failed.

Asha immediately stopped trembling, her fearful attitude replaced by bubbling anger. Tiny? Fragile? HELPLESS? Her cheeks flushed red in embarrassment; she couldn't take this any longer.

"I-I'm not any of t-those things! A-and I'm not g-going to t-tell you. I-I would never tell such an u-ugly, m-mindless, a-annoying being like y-yourself!" She screeched, obviously lying about the ugly part. He was actually quite good-looking...

For a few moments, both giant and human remained silent, staring at each other. The giant looked bewildered, and Asha's chest rose up and down rapidly. One would of thought that this would last forever, until... 

Harvey began laughing, throwing his head back as he did so. The girl unintentionally found herself latching onto his finger in case she toppled off of his hand, pausing in perplexity.

Why was he laughing? She certainly didn't find any of this funny.

After the abrupt laughing fit, he sat down on the marble floor, the girl still situated on his hand. Asha appeared lost, tilting her head to the side.

"Ah, jheez. I like you," he spoke, sniggering softly.

She bit her bottom lip, her cheeks reddening even more than they had done previously.

"T-the feelings n-not mutual," she muttered, earning another grin from the colossal guy; this would be interesting.

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