Cory looked at the associate. "How much will this one set me back?"

"Three hundred and twenty-five."

Shanna's eyes pleaded as she pouted. "I know it's a lot but—"

"Ring 'er up." He sighed.

She hopped up and down with the puppy in her arms. "Have I told you what an amazing husband you are lately?"

"Yeah, yeah. I hear you. Just promise me you won't go all dog crazy and carry her in your purse everywhere you go. She's a dog; a pet. Not an obsession."

Shanna looked at the puppy, getting more licks and laughed. "I promise no such thing."

"At least you're honest." Cory followed the sales guy to the register. He turned pointing at Shanna. "And you're not dressing her."

Shanna laughed speaking under her breath, "You will look so cute in pink, won't you?" More licks adorned her face as she smiled from ear to ear.

"I had no idea dogs were so expensive," Cory said as he pulled out of the parking lot onto a back road. "Food, bowls, bed, leash, plus the dog cost over $400. She better be worth it."

Shanna sat with the white fluffy ball on her lap, still being licked. "Of course she is worth it. Look at this face."

Cory looked over. "She is really cute. But I think the smile on your face is what makes her worth it. I haven't seen you smile like that since our wedding day."

Shanna felt like she was beaming. "I'm sorry I've been so needy lately, I just really thought marriage would be different. I thought we'd be together all the time and we'd be having sex non-stop."

"I'm sorry babe. I should have warned you about my busy life. I have purposely created little free time so I wouldn't be tempted; so I could learn to live around my addiction. I promise, it won't be this way forever. Especially when I'm done with school."

She smiled at him. "It's okay. I get it."

"I want you happy."

Looking straight ahead she spoke the truth. "I need more sex." Then burst out a laugh.

He laughed too.

"Who would have ever thought I'd have to beg for sex from Cory Black."

"I think part of me is holding back; scared—but I'll work on it. I don't want you to think I'm not interested. I am,very. In fact I think about you naked quite often, probably too often."

She hugged the dog to her as she looked over at him. "Really?"

"Yeah, eight, ten times a day."

That was such a relief to hear. "I thought maybe you just weren't attracted to me anymore."

He huffed a laugh. "Please. You are the sexiest piece of ass I have ever seen."

"How romantic."

"One time I was in a meeting, we were all standing around listening to the boss man yammer on about safety procedures and I totally zoned out thinking about your tits and what I wanted to do with them—"

"What did you want to do with them?"

He looked over with a sly grin. "How about I show you when we get home?"

"Oh, I like where this is going."

He winked at her. "But back to my story, I was standing there thinking about your tits and how perfect they are and my boss asked me a question. I didn't hear him so he repeated it loudly bringing me out of my daydream. I looked at him as he said, 'Is that clear Mr. Black?'. I stuttered and said"—he paused embarrassed—"I said, 'Tit is'."

Shanna's jaw dropped. "You didn't?"

His face flushed red. "I did. I'm still hearing about that one. Some of my guys call me the tit-master now. And any time the answer to something is 'it is' they change it—"

"Tit is!" she finished for him.

"You got tit."

They laughed together.

"Um, Cory—"

"Yes," he said paying attention to the windy road.

"I think we need to stop."

"I can't, there's nowhere to pull off."

Shanna scrunched her face. "I don't think she likes riding in the car much. She looks like she's gonna puke."

He shouted, "No! Like I said earlier, this is a no chuck zone!"

Just then their new family member spewed bile all over the dash board.

Cory shouted, "No! Not the dash!"

Shanna picked the pup up under its arms facing her out, trying to make sure she didn't get thrown up on.

The dog heaved again, this time all over the freshly cleaned floor mat.

"Oh man!" Cory shouted again looking over with disgust.

Shanna's brow dipped. "She can't help it, don't be mad."

Cory pulled the car to the side of the road and looked over at the passenger side.

"What was the punishment again?" Shanna asked.


She hugged the puppy. "No, you can't. I love her already."

He sighed. "Stupid dog."

She grinned. "She needs a name."

"Chuck, her name is Chuck."

Shanna laughed loudly. "No, that is not a girly name at all."

"You can call her whatever you want, but to me she will be known as Chuck from this day forward."

PRUNINGS: Thinning Black & White to GrayWhere stories live. Discover now