Calm the Crap Down, Gene

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It's been a half hour, I'm still sulking in the corner like a child at Sasha's house. A few people glance at me, but I send cold stares their way. I don't want to be bothered right now, I just want to go home and curl up in bed.

I hear the back door open beside me, but I don't want to look up while crying. Besides, I know who it is and I have to desire to be around them.

I hear a familiar voice sigh, "Y/N, he's out of control.."

It's Sasha. I glance up at her. "What do you expect me to do?"

"Go calm him down or something! He's in his Shadow Knight form. Zenix is in his trying to stop him from rampaging." Sasha explains, forcing herself to be calm.

"Why aren't you in yours?" I ask.

"Someones gotta keep the Zenix in line." She shrugs.


"Y/N, come on. We need your help..." Sasha begs.

"Fine.." I groan.


"Whaaaat?!" Everyone exclaims.


Everyone shuffles out the door. Sasha drags me outside and I almost fall backwards at the sight of the boys in their Shadow Knight forms.

"W-What do I do?! I don't even have a Shadow Knight form Sasha!" I yell.

"Just go talk to him!" She says.

I cautiously walk up to Gene. "Gene.. GENE! CALM YOUR A** DOWN."

Sasha facepalms, "Not like that Y/N."

"WELL HE'S PI**** ME OFF WHAT DO YOU EXPECT?!" I shout at her.

"Use soothing, calm words!" She shouts. "Zenix, change back."

Zenix ignores her.

"ZENIX IS SAID CHANGE BACK YA B****!" Sasha shouts.

Zenix changes back as glare at Sasha, "Hypocrite!"

"Different things work for different people!" She smirks, walking away with Zenix.

Thanks, just leave me out here to die.

"Hey. Hey, Gene. Gene, it's Y/N. Gene, what the actual crap why aren't you acknowledging my existence?" I say in a very forced, calm tone.

Gene starts running for the streets. I place my hands on his shoulders to hold him back. "No, stop."

He glares at me. He speaks in a shocking, demonic voice. "GET AWAY Y/N."

"No can do. I may not particularly like you right now, but I still need to help you. Why are you mad?"

He ignores me and looks at the street. I turn him towards me, "Calm down. Talk to me Gene. It's me, Y/N. Your girlfriend, talk to me."

He aims a punch at me, I dodge it. "Don't hit me Gene. I know you want to, but don't hit me." A tear slides down my cheek.

He stares at me, breathing heavily, a side effect of rage. I stare back at him. "Just calm down Gene.. We can talk this out.."

He turns back to his normal, annoying self. He stares at me with apologetic eyes. I wipe the few tears on my face.

He embraces me tightly and I lay my head in the crook of his neck.

After sitting outside for a while, he picks me up bridal style and carries me inside. Honestly, I'm to tired to protest. He stands in the doorway and kisses me gently before sitting on the couch with me still in his arms.

The Perfect One//Gene X Reader(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now