12. Bitter sweet

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"Nisha, wait. " Lily followed as Nisha struggled with their apartment door. She looked back, leaving alone the jammed lock.

"Sorry about that." Lilly eyed Marshall for not getting the lock fixed. He only shrugged in response.

"Umm... do you want to talk about something?" Marshall added.

Nisha looked at both of them. "I'm fine Marshall. It's just a little too strange. I think I should be alone for now." Nisha smiled.

"We are here if you want anything." Lily replied.

"Hanh." Nisha looked at Lily. "Thanks. You guys are great." Nisha then looked straight at Ted's bedroom door, feeling something break inside her. "I should go."

Marshall and Lily stood there as Nisha managed to get the lock open in one try. They felt guilty as she disappeared behind it.

"What are we gonna do about Ted!" Marshall threw his arms in the air in frustration. "This is it, Man. He needs a piece of my mind." Marshall angrily proceeded to Ted's room, and then suddenly stopped. "No, maybe I shouldn't say anything at all. It's his mess, he should clear it." He paused to catch a breath. "But how can I Lily? He will screw things up again. This time with Nisha who is more than perfect for him. I mean, they glow when they look at each other. Tell me Lily, what should we do?" Marshall settled down in his studying chair."

Lily went up to him. "Relax, baby! You know when you freak out, I do too... It's not our business. You're right. Let him take hold of things. All we can do is to be there for him for whatever happens." Lily said.

Robin walked out of Ted's room, looking flushed. "Oh hey, guys." She looked awkwardly at Lily and Marshall.

"Robin." Lily got up, and so did Marshall. He continued, "What happened?"

Lily could sense Robin had cried. But she didn't want to say anything to embarrass her.

"Nothing. Why?" Robin flashed a smile that broke before it reached her eyes. "I have some errands to run. Catch you later?" She asked Lily and Marshall who softly nodded. Lily wanted to say more. She was surprised how calm she was being in this situation. Usually, she spoke more than she should. But today, she had unexpectedly stayed away from any meddling."

The couple looked at each other, a little worried for their friends.

"May be we should check up on Ted." Marshall suggested as he got up from the chair.

"Are you sure?" Lily asked. Just then Ted walked out of his room.

"Is everything okay?" Marshall asked.

"I think so. I hope so." Ted loosely responded. He came closer to the study table and rested his hip to its edge, his hands folded. "By the way, Lily, Robin somehow found out about the reason for my break up with Victoria. And I was wondering how that happened." Ted looked up dramatically. Lily was standing a step away from him.

"Sorry." Lily said, looking away.

"Sorry?" Ted's face turned animated. "How many times have you spilled my secrets? I mean this has to stop somewhere. It's not healthy." Ted quickly calmed himself. "I hope you don't do it again, okay?" Ted got back to his resting position.

"Sorry. I will be careful." Lily softly replied.

Ted sighed. "So, Nisha called me saying she will stop by half an hour ago. And now she isn't answering her phone. I wonder what happened."

"Umm... Ted, she did stop by." Marshall announced.

"What? When? Ted stood up straight, his eyes shot wide.

"When you and Robin were in there." Lily added.

"You don't mean... she knew about... THAT?" Ted's expressions dropped. He seemed worried.

"Yes. Sorry Ted." Marshall said.

"Did she say anything? Where is she now? Why did she leave?" Ted asked, desperate.

"She didn't say anything. She just left." Marshall answered. Marshall wanted to tell him about Nisha over hearing him and Robin, but decided not to betray Nisha's trust.

Ted took a moment then rushed to his room.

"Ted?" Marshall called.

"I gotta go find her. She needs to know nothing happened." Ted shouted from inside.

Marshall and Lily walked inside. Ted was looking for his shirt.

"What about Robin, Ted?" Marshall finally asked.

"What about her?" Ted asked, buttoning his grey shirt that he found cramped under his blanket.

"Are you going to stop being friends with her?" Marshall asked.

"Why would I do that?" Ted asked, sitting on the bed, as he put on his shoes.

"Then you think Nisha is going to be fine with Robin still in your life?" Lily added.

Ted finally realized what his friends were getting at. He got up and asked, "You think I should cut her off?"

"We don't know. But I don't think anyone will be okay with you hanging out with the girl you once or still love." Marshall said.

"I don't still love her, Marshall. I love Nisha." Ted corrected him. "Guys, I need to go find her. We will talk about it later?" Ted said and moved out of his bedroom door, Marshall and Lily still inside.

"Later when? After you convince Nisha of nothing happened? What then? Won't she expect you to end things with Robin? And can you really do that? Robin is one of your best friends." Marshall couldn't seem to keep things inside any more.

Ted stopped. "What do I do then?" He took a pause, then continued, "Marshall, if being with Nisha means that I have to stop being friends with Robin, so be it. I can't do this anymore. I can't lose Nisha... I gotta go." Ted didn't wait for any response as he rushed out of their apartment door. 

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