11. Heartbreak

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"Marshall, did I ever tell you how dumb Ted really is?"

"Yes, Lily, almost every other day. But I don't get tired of hearing it. So go ahead, tell me again."
"Okay. Our boy Ted, is a stupid, dumb, idiot."
"Guys, will you stop that? I didn't come home just to be insulted by you two."

"Then what did you really want from us? A fix to your insensitive stupidity? Marshall, have I told you how selfish and self-centered and insensitive out Ted could be?"

"Of course. And Ted gives you reasons after reasons." Marshall continued, "What is the matter with you, man? Do you seriously want us to explain to you how Robin is not the problem, YOU are that is jeopardizing your possible relationships? I mean, I am sorry man, but you got to stop being so naive before you seriously hurt somebody."

Lily explained, "Nisha must be devastated. You basically told her that she is just like Robin for you. That it's only a matter of time before you found someone else and started falling in love again. It took you ten minutes to get over your feelings for Robin. Don't you think, Nisha is going to think that you might get over her just as quickly? And also, you told her that you love her? And you also told her that you confessed your love for Robin the same day you met her? Oh... Marshall, take me away from here. I have school tomorrow and I don't want to get my hands bloody tonight."

Marshall laughed. Ted too was amused, and a little scared.

"But I really love her guys. Why doesn't anyone believe me?"

Lily and Marshall looked straight at him.

Lily said, "you need to be patient."

"Yeah. Ted." Marshall added. "Why have you become like this? You were one of the most considerate people i knew.  You still are. Lately you just can't seem to act that way."

"Lily, you didn't have to tell on me to my mom. You guys are enough to bring me back to my senses. And I promise, no more idiot Ted. Now, I think I should take a nap. I barely slept last night." Ted got up from the couch and headed to his room.


"Baby could you please turn down the volume of the television? I need to study for tomorrow." 

Lily sighed. "Sure." Her husband was in his study Station right behind the couch she was in. Her third FRIENDS episode of the evening was interrupted by the doorbell. By the time she could get up, Marshall had already made his way towards the door. Lily wondered who could it have been at midnight. Marshall glared through the peephole and announced it was Robin. He then open it, and welcomed her in. 

"Wassup, Robin?" Lily said, still sitting.

"Hi, is Ted here?"

"Yeah. In his room. Is everything okay?" Lily asked.

"Oh, yeah. I tried to call him but couldn't get through. You think he is sleeping?"/

"I think so. He said he was gonna. I'll go check." Lily got up and walked towards Ted's room, leaving Robin still standing in the living room. 

"Hey, Robin's here." Robin heard Lily say that from Ted's door. Lily then got back to her place."Ted's coming."

"That's okay. I'll just go in." Robin proceeded toward Ted's room and knocked.

"Come in." Ted yelled.

Robin got in and shut the door behind her. 

"Hey, wassup?" Ted said, already out of his bed. He seemed to have been reading before Robin had arrived. 

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