Harry sick- for loltreestyler

Start from the beginning

"Here Haz, we got you the usual," Liam smiled and handed over the armful of burger and chips, overfilling the box. With a gulp Harry quietly thanked him and set it down on his lap hesitantly. The smell was so strong and it was making his stomach feel so bad, saliva was beginning to gather in his mouth and it definitely wasn't from hunger.

He wiped his forehead with his arm and sat back as the other lads burst into chatter while they positioned themselves all across the small area and started to eat. Harry simply picked away silently. The chips were easier than he thought they would've been to get down thankfully. He managed to get through them while resisting the urge to bend at the middle and let everything out onto the floor.
However he couldn't justify forcing the burger down, he knew he wouldn't be able to stomach the fatty meat for more than a few minutes and so far he thought he'd done an alright job at keeping any suspicions the band might've had at bay. He didn't want to take any risks.

He weakly glanced around to make sure no one was paying any attention to him and then weakly lobbed the horrid thing into the trash bin. Somehow the lads were too immersed in their overly animated and highly passionate conversation about budget cheese to notice the burger flying through the air and Harry supposed he should feel grateful for that.

Feeling out of place and awkward he picked himself up and trudged through to the bunks. He leaned his head against the wall and took a deep breath, one hand pressed against his stomach. It was making loud sounds of protest against the food he'd just eaten and he decided that he should probably lock himself back into the bathroom just to be on the safe side. The others were still being mightily noisy which came to Harry's rescue yet again as he vomited for the second time, Niall's shrieking drowning out any evidence of the act.

Harry wiped his mouth and sagged heavily against the sink, his arms quaking dangerously at the crease. He didn't know how he was going to carry this on. He couldn't count on yelling to hide the sounds forever and judging by the whale sounds his stomach was emitting it was far from being done with expelling itself. Soon they'd start to notice the fever he was hosting and the grogginess he couldn't mask, Liam probably even quicker than the rest.

He huffed stubbornly and shook his head at himself in the mirror, he was fine. He didn't need to humiliate himself in front of his best mates, he just had to suck it up and deal.

If he was being totally honest with himself he wanted another nap, and he knew that he probably needed it too. However that would be like waving a flag in the others facing, letting them know exactly what was going. Harry wasn't even a big napper on bad days, and he'd already taken one.

Instead he mustered up his strength and exited the bathroom to suggest a movie in the back room to the rest of the lads. Being trapped on the bus there wasn't a heck of lot else to do but with all the sugar Niall would probably conjure some high energy consuming game and Harry was not by any means in the mood for that.

Thankfully they were all keen and the four of them filled the small room with blankets and pillows as well as all the food they'd just brought.

Louis eyed up Harry sitting slouched on the couch as he chucked a duvet into his corner. The younger lad appeared to be struggling to keep his heavy lids open. Louis frowned and waved a hand in front of his listless gaze to gain his attention, "did you get any sleep last night? Are you okay?"

Harry blinked and nodded fervently, "yeah, I'm good."

He coughed into his hand and peered up at Louis innocently. From anyone else Louis would've just shrugged and forgotten about it but Harry 's lying had always been obvious to him. It was to everyone else too. He lied in an almost childhood manner, spouting fibs when the truth was obviously clear.

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