Sorry About This

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Really, I am sorry about this. Last time in entered in a Watty Award thing, I lost by a landslide. But you guys, the readers of ATST and the sequel Solitary Confinement are the best readers I've had. This was my first story, so its kind of a gem to me. So, until the date of June 27th, 2014, may I selfishly ask anyone reading this to vote for All the Symmetrical Things on the SoulEaterWattyAwards page? I do apologize, really.

Gosh darn it. 

I feel stingy.

Alas, for those of you who are awesome and vote, thank you bunches and bunches and bunches, and I'd, you know, give up all the symmetrical things for you. *w*

I do apologize, and I bid thee farewell,


All the Symmetrical Things (Soul Eater fic) Soul Eater Watty Awards 2014 WinnerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ