Ask 1

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Miliya: This question was asked by a friend of mine who doesn't have a Wattpad yet.

Luke: Then what's the question??

Miliya: How did we all meet?

Mason: Well we've been best friends for a while now

Terrence: .....

Miliya: Well I met Mason when we were in middle school..he accidentally bumped into me and we ended up having classes together *giggles*

Luke: Terrence and I known each other since elementary be honest I don't really remember how we met do you? Miliya introduced herself to me in our first period class.

Terrence: No

Mason: *blush* Well then..I met Luke in middle school also...I was lost and he helped me out to my class. And Miliya introduced me to Terrence.

Miliya: I met Terrence at the park back in middle school...*sigh* talk about love at first sight.

Terrence: No it wasn't

Miliya: Whatever anyway we talked a little bit and ended up hanging out. After about a year I ended up growing feeling for him and I guess he did to...

Terrence: *slight blush*

Miliya: By the end of the school year he asked me on a date and we've been dating since.

Mason: Cute...

Luke: *ruffling Terrence's hair* Awww my littke Terrence actually showed affection.

Terrence: *Smacks him* shut up and I'm older than you -.-

Miliya: Anywayyyyy I really liked that question....another book will be made for Roleplay and I hope I see more asks or dares...maybe even just meeting your OCs

Mason: See you guys later



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