“You all lived in a mud hut?” I raised my eyebrows at the thought.

“Yes it gets extremely cold here, and I am not living through another winter like that. Not after having such luxuries, as we’ve put in here.” Yes, I thought of  the heated water and pump. Who could forgo that?

“Charlie there’s something I’ve wanted to ask you.” Charlie finished what he was chewing and looked at me

“Go ahead Payt, ask.”

“Why is Nash always asking about Ashley?” I felt this was a safe way to find out if Nash held any regard for my friend. I knew it was likely she would be around soon, and I wanted to know so I could tell her something. Also, I wasn’t ready to leave Charlies company yet.

“That’s not actually something I think I can talk to you about Payt. Why don’t you ask Nash?”

“He won’t tell me a thing Charlie you know that.” I looked out of the door I came through, thinking of what to say. But, was saved when Charlie offered.

“Do you really think that Lady Townshend is match making Ashley?”

“Yes I do. Lord Townshend mentioned a certain clerk that lived out here, and an architect that is designing some of the nicer places in Sydney.” Charlie lowered his head in thought and then raised it to ask.

“Payton, why did the Townshends always joke about you and Will marrying?” He never took his eyes from me while waiting for my answer.

“It was because we got along so well, but you knew that.” I said. He took as small step closer to me and leaned on the work bench I was next to.

“Payt, did you ever get an offer for marriage? I felt you were keeping something back when your Pa asked the other night.” I felt my palms start to sweat. This man was too perceptive. I had no idea what the reasons for him wanting to know all these things for, but I was going to answer him, I had no choice, for some reason I wanted Charlie to know everything.

“No I didn’t Charlie, I made sure Will knew where I stood in that matter, and he always kept his mother at bay, or he wouldn’t leave my side at the dinner parties, Lady Townshend threw.” Charlies face frowned, in thought. I wanted desperately to know what he was thinking. “Charlie, why do you ask?” There, now hopefully I’ll know. He leaned in closer to me. I looked at his face. He was remarkably handsome. His jaw was strong, and his skin was tanned. He had a sheen of sweat still that covered his brow. I liked knowing that he was working so hard to make something for me.

“Payton have you ever been kissed?” My heart flew. Had I ever been kissed? Yes, I had been By Will. And I liked it; he was gentle and eager to show me his feelings. My heart beat, feeling a moment of regret for Will, leaning myself in closer to Charlie.

“Charlie, I’m not going to lie to you.” His face remained unreadable, but it was close. “In the week before we left to come here, Will kissed me.” There I said it; I watched the play of emotions flow over his face. “We were close anyway Charlie, and he kissed me right before he gave me Pa’s letter.”

I felt him pull away, so slowly it felt that he controlled time with his movements. He blinked his eyes and kept them down cast.  Then He picked up a small splinter of wood and turned it over in his palm. I could feel something akin to disappointment oozing from every part of him.

“Well I better get back to work Payt. You can just leave the basket there I'll bring it back.” And then he turned his body to me and moved back to his work. I knew he just dismissed me, but I couldn’t move. I just stood there and watched the muscles in his arms begin to work again moving with the saw. I looked away and bit my lip. I closed my eyes. Wishing that our conversation, had turned out much more differently. I opened my eyes, gathered myself and left Charlie to his work.

A Friendships Love - Settler series book 1 (Wattpad version, first draft)Where stories live. Discover now