Chapter 1- Sweet Sixteen?

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Dedicated to @loolybabes, follow her if you don't already XD


“What?” I asked him brutally as I let out a sigh of relief. I looked up to see a very worried looking expression on his face.

“How’s Georgia?” Austin asked as he looked towards Nathan and gave him a sad smile.

I gave him a cold glare and said, “Why should I tell you? You have always ignored me, and so will I.” I blurted out all of a sudden. I was kind of surprised that I had said all that. I walked past him whilst barging into his shoulders leaving them both shocked.


Georgia’s P.O.V.

Like every year, Nathan had thrown a party for Austin and Austin had thrown a party for Nathan on each other’s birthdays. Nathan had already thrown a party for Austin which was about a month ago. We all decided not to go because we all hated parties.

By the term ‘we’ I meant: Jessica, Lucy, Alex, Callum and last but not least Brooke. Being the typical Brooke she said that we had to go today. Today was Nathan’s party which was thrown by Austin.

All the year 11’s where invited, also known as my year. Brooke, Jess and I were all getting dressed because the party started in another half an hour. Lucy said that she couldn’t come because she was feeling ill. All of us feel really bad for going without her but she insisted that we went.

I noticed something different with Brooke because she was trying to look extra special today. She was running around panicking about some random things. It was actually kind of funny because she forgot that we were there.

I was currently sat on my bed as Jessica and Brooke where still getting dressed. I had straightened my hair and pinned some hair up and away from my face. I was wearing a blue and white striped skater dress with a brown plated belt around my stomach. I wore a bit of mascara and eye shadow.

Brooke had put her hair down naturally; she had straight hair with little bouncy curls at the bottom. She was wearing a sleeveless pink laced dress with a lilac coloured belt around her stomach. She was wearing a light touch of makeup which included; some mascara, foundation, eyeliner, nail polish and some red lips. Trust me she wanted to look good for someone special.

Jessica was wearing a multi-coloured Aztec dress with a black belt around her stomach. Jess had curled her hair with the straightener which was pretty impressive because it looked like curls that you would get from curlers. She had a touch of makeup on like Brooke.

I looked at the clock to check the time as Brooke was asking Jess if she looked nice. The party had already started but we liked to be a bit late. “Brooke, you look like your dressing to impress?” I said questioning her as I wiggled my eyebrows at her.

“No, I just want to look good.” She said and went to the bathroom probably to go and pee.

“Jessica looks like she is dressing to impress as well.” She said after coming out of the bathroom pulling her tongue out like a child.

“Yeah but she has an excuse, she has Blake.” I said as I flashed a goofy grin towards Jessica. I nudged her and she started blushing.

“Stop fighting over moi.” Jessica said as she stood up fixing her dress.  We all looked at the clock and then looked at each other.

My Mum drove us to the party and as Mothers do she gave me the talk. No not that kind of talk but the talk about drinking. Not going to lie but I was ignoring her half of the time.

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