After showering myself and joining Y/N in bed shirtless I notice she's not here. Hunting her around the whole house I find her dead asleep on her dads bedroom floor. Hugging his coat. Y/N and Y/D/N were inseparable. She was all he's had in this world, ever, barring me and    Y/N's mother.

"Come on sweetheart." I huff as I lift her body up bridal style and back to my room. The one that used to belong to me years ago, before I moved into Y/N's old room with Emma. Y/N always loved my room, she said it felt safe. Oddly enough it's still littered with all my things.

"Hey." I smile when Y/N's eyes open, I tried to be gentle but she still woke up. "Hey." Y/N smiles as I jump in next to her. I pull her shirt off her body for her and she twists around, in the bed getting comfortable.

"You look nice." Y/N smiles her hand rubbing my head and I laugh. "You do too." I smirk and Y/N giggles. "Have you finished all the work?" She asks and I nod. Leaning my body on top of hers, both of our air mixing with each other's.

"Good." Y/N pronounces and I notice her body. "Can I?" I gesture to her mouth and she nods. Gradually I dip my head down to Y/N, my eyes fixated on her lips, I squeeze her left breast knowing it will cause her mouth to open and it does.

Steadily I slip my tongue into her mouth, smearing my lips onto hers as Y/N loosens into my grip. My hand slowly starts to travel down to her sex but she stops. "I'm sorry, I can't right now." Y/N apologises.

"Sweetheart, don't apologise, I get it." I wave it off playing it out as cool, although the desperation in my pants is suffocating me right now. "No, really I am." Y/N apologises and I pull her in for a hug. "It doesn't matter, this has been one fucking rollercoaster of events." I laugh and Y/N smiles at me.

"I want to cuddle, like we used to." Y/N remembers and I can't help but internally love her even more. Without any words, I push Y/N into my arms tightly for a hug, kissing her forehead repeatedly.


The sound of the doorbell ringing wakes both Y/N and I up. I groan out loud irritated as I lift my head up from the crook of Y/N's neck. Untangling our bodies, my arm temporarily imprinted with the pattern of Y/N's messy hair.

I trudge downstairs and regret opening the door instantly, I forgot to dress and as Claire, James and Justin walk in, the reporters catch pictures of me shirtless. By now, probably all sorts of stories speculating.

"You really didn't, last night?" Claire looks at me mortified and I quickly shake my head. "No, no, no, no, no, no. We haven't since her birthday." I quickly speak horrified by the situation myself and Claire clears her throat, in a form of an apology.

"Where is the shit head?" James asks and I point upstairs smiling at the twins as they run up to her. Y/N adores them. If you think about it closely, Y/N only has her aunt Claire and two cousins left over. That's all.

"People will be visiting soon, have you decided what you're going to tell them?" Claire asks me while I pull a shirt on and I shrug. "I'm pretty sure they've seen it all on the news." I reply and Claire rolls her eyes. "You're going to be accused of things, you do realise." Claire speaks.

"I know, I'm pretty sure I already am." I sigh and Claire rolls her eyes. "It's a serious matter, I need you to make sure you'll be here for Y/N, she has nobody. Not a single person. I'm dying Wentworth, I have cancer." Claire admits and I look to her shocked.

"Oh wow, Claire, I didn't know." I apologise and she shakes her head. "Y/D/N did, he tried to help, but it's not going to leave ever. I have no idea when I'll die. But when I do, the boys will move half way across the world back to their dad. You need to promise me, you will look after my niece no matter what." Claire begs and I promise her.

"Jesus, this just isn't our year is it." I sigh and Claire smiles sadly. "No it's not." Claire squints her eyes in despair and I leave her for a minute while I return upstairs.

"So you do love him?" Justin teases Y/N and I put my ear to the door secretly listening. "Yes, we knew it. It was so obvious." James fist bumps his brother and I smirk as I watch Y/N blush. "It was so obvious, everything about you two screamed sexual tension." The brothers tease Y/N and she covers her face in the pillow.

"For the record, I love her more." I watch Y/N in admiration as I join her in the room. The two brothers leaving in a fit of immature sexual innuendos.


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