Chapter 6

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There's giggling followed by heavy footsteps and both Y/N and her boy toy turn up to the table. "I can't believe you kept my dog dad, Max loves Jack." Y/N giggles and he glares at her dog. "I told you don't bring that tramp near me, my allergies start." He jokes and Y/N rolls her eyes sitting down along with her boyfriend.

"My dog is not a tramp thank you very much. Besides you've looked after him pretty well for someone who claims to hate him." She answers stroking him, Jack and her passing him amongst each other. "I didn't look after the mut, Went did." He mumbles as he eats his food and Y/N smiles looking me directly in the eyes, as we sit opposite one another.


"That's because Went has feelings dad, you should try it sometimes." I joke and he rolls his eyes. "I'll have you know, I have enough feelings. Like tolerating that thing in my house." Dad speaks but I'm too focused on Wentworth and him on me.

Snapping out of my trance I shoo Max away and start to stare at my dinner. It's actually really nice and I don't even like vegetables. "Who cooked this?" I ask and Emma raises her hand smiling. Went watches me and I watch him. I dramatically drop the fork down, acting sick.

"Do you not like it?"

"Y/N despises vegetables." Wentworth laughs and I watch him carefully.

"Enough about that, the foods lovely Emma. How's the house Jack? You settled in well yet?" My dad asks and I drill holes into his body each time he asks Jack a question. Surprisingly they were all of a good nature and dinner ended a success. Except I was starving and refuse to eat any of Emma's food.

Later in the evening

Having left Jack after he fell asleep I trudge downstairs trying to locate some food. 

Who am I kidding? 

I'm down here making as much noise humanly possible to get Wentworth's attention and soon it works.

Acting like I wasn't expecting him I dangle my legs on the kitchen counter eating a brownie. The lights flicker open and Wentworth's bed head appears. His hair has grown the slightest bit since I've been gone.

"What are we doing up so late?" He smirks as he pulls a snack out of the cupboard, my breath hitching in my throat. I want to kiss him. Despite my boyfriend lying upstairs, as well as his fiancé and my dad.

"I was hungry." I smoothly respond and watch as he pours himself and I a cup of tea, in his tight fitting, v neck vest, and loose sweatpants that hang low on his hips. "2 sugars?" He asks and I nod. At least he remembers something.

"So how was the college life? Finally happy it's over?" He looks to me, pulling a chair out for myself and then himself after I sit. I missed him, that's all I know.

"It was alright, you never called." I fake a laugh and he smiles. "I'm here now aren't I?" Wentworth grins. "I guess you are." I laugh and we start to eat.

There's a comfortable silence until I speak again.

"Emma's new, when did that happen?" I ask, trying to act unbothered but inside it irritates the life out of me.

"A year and a bit ago." Wentworth smiles proudly and my heart breaks the slightest bit. I missed Went so much and he'd forgotten about me so easily. There's a long silent minute that goes by and then Wentworth talks.

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