He walked her to his room which was empty and sat her down at one of the desks before leaning against his own desk.  "Do you mind telling me what just happened? It's alright if you're not ready to talk about it but as a concerned teacher I need to be able to help you if something like that happens again."  Flora looked down at the desk watching something slither by before sighing and going into her bag.  She searched through it for a while before pulling out a small journal and pushing it towards the teacher.

      Mark walked over to the table and sat down in front of Flora before opening the journal, inside was a bunch of different clips, drawings, journal entries, and medicines prescribed.  Her behavior makes perfect sense to Mark and looked at the ominous drawings, they were creepy and very dark.  One of the spiked his interest a bit, it was nothing but a shadow with a clawed hand reached out, where was the rest of the being?

      "You're schizophrenic, I should've known I knew a few people that suffer from the same thing.  The only difference is are being treated for it and you clearly are not, can your family not afford it?" Mark asked handing the book back to her. Flora shook her head as she took the book and put it away.  "I just live with my mother, I'm only here on a scholarship. We can't afford the medicine I need." Mark nodded and gave her a little smile he loved the sound of her melodic voice.

      "That's alright, I want to see you do good here so I'll tell you what. If you promise me you will take them to make yourself better I'll buy your medicines for you so can get better." Mark's heart almost jumped out of his throat from the happiness that overflowed from his student's eyes.  "Thank you so much, I would really appreciate it.  I want to get better I don't want to live like that all the time, I'll take any help you're willing to give me," Flora had never been so happy in her life.  She was going to be getting the help she needed to stop the voices and the hallucinations that were driving her insane.

      "Good now that we have that settled let me get you back to your room.  No class for you today, I don't want you having another episode in the middle of class until we get you on your medication." Flora nodded following him out of the school and to the girl's dorm, she thanked him with a quick hug before running inside to her room.  Mark watched the girl run inside, she reminded him so much of Rachel and it excited him. She smiled like her, walked like her, and at times she even looked at her. It was like Rachel was still in Blackwell, Mark shook his head when he realized that he never even got the girl's name.

      Flora relaxed on her bed as she conversed with her mother about the scene that had just played out. She was excited about getting the treatment she needed but at the same time, she was scared. What if it didn't work and made things worse? The doctors told her that the case of Schizophrenia wasn't the worst but it wasn't good either. There was a knock on the door and Flora opened the door to see Max holding a bag of goodies.

      "Hey, Flora I was just coming to see if you were feeling better. I also brought some sweets if you want. If not it's ok I'll just eat them or give them away," Flora couldn't understand the feelings that were going through her but she felt safe with her new friend. She moved to let her friend in the room before closing the door and taking a seat on the bed.  "So, um... are you alright?  I was a little scared when you started talking to yourself but we all have our own issues."  Max noticed Flora's face turn a light shade of red. "Did I say something wrong?" Flora shook her head and sighed, Max didn't say anything wrong in fact it made her happy.

      People were reaching out to understand her no to judge and criticize her for her illness, first it was Mr. Jefferson and now Max.  "I don't really tell anyone, but I'm schizophrenic, it's not as bad as it could be but it's still bad."  It felt so good for Flora to tell her friend about her mental illness but at the same time, she feared being rejected just the thought made her anxious and nervous.  Max stared in awe as the first real friend she made told her about her deepest secret, she didn't know much about the illness but she knew it was a dangerous one.  Flora seemed to be the furthest thing from danger but who knew when she would break.

      The silence in the room made Flora sick, Max hated her now she was 100% convinced that he was no longer wanted as a friend.  Flora grabbed some of her things before running out of the room leaving a very conflicted Max behind.  She needed to get away from Blackwell away from everyone, everything was suffocating her and the voices started up making her mind fuzzy.  She ran off campus in no general direction she was just running.

      Flora wasn't sure how long she was running but when she realized she was lost, the sun was setting and it freaked her out.  She was all alone and it was getting dark, that means it's coming soon and that was the last thing she wanted.  "Are you lost?"  Flora jumped when someone touched her back, she turned to see a pretty blue-haired punk girl. Flora ran up to her before covering her face and laying her head on her chest.  Chloe was completely thrown off by the frantic blonde but didn't push her off. She was attracted to the "lost girl" and wanted to know more about her.

      Chloe carefully pulled Flora off her and led her over to her old truck before helping her in, she complied but kept her eyes closed the entire time.  "Hey, are you going to be alright?"  Flora ignored her and moved towards the sound of her voice before resting her head in Chloe's lap.  "I hope you don't freak the fuck out when you realize I'm taking you to my house since I have no idea what the hell to do with you."  Flora relaxed halfway into the ride but remained in her spot, just like how she once felt with Max she felt safe with this girl, she didn't even know her name but she took the time to make sure she was alright.

      "Hey, looks like you finally chilled out.  So, before I welcome you to my house how about I get your name hotness. I'm all American Bad-ass, Chloe Prince." Flora opened her eyes to see Chloe looking down at her, she didn't realize the truck was off, meaning they made it to their destination.  "Flora Lewis, it's nice to meet you Chloe.  I'm sorry if I freaked you out I was just having a moment."  Chloe shrugged before smiling at Flora.  In a way, she kind of reminded her of Rachel, Flora was absolutely gorgeous, she was obviously smaller than Rachel and overly girly.  Her eyes captivated Chloe, her face was clean of any marks or blemishes, and her pouty red lips were slightly parted. Chloe found herself looking over her tiny frame, her dress was hiked up mid-thigh showing off toned legs and a small scar.

      Chloe had to force herself to look away before doing something that would most likely freak Flora out.  "Let's go inside, unless you'd rather sleep in the truck."  Flora got up and followed Chloe into her small but comforting home.  "Chloe where have you been? I have been call..." Joyce stopped yelling when she realized the small girl behind her daughter, leave it up to Chloe to pick up stragglers.  This one was different than all the others Chloe brought to the house, she actually looked very nice.  "I'm sorry I didn't know Chloe was bringing anyone home, I'm Joyce Chloe's mother."  Flora took Joyce's hand before giving her a small smile. "Flora, mom, mom, Flora.  Let's go before she starts bringing out the baby pictures."  Chloe said pushing Flora upstairs. Chloe led Flora into her messy room and completely regretted it, she probably should've had her wait while she picked some of this crap up.

      "Sorry about the mess I really wasn't expecting anyone, are you hungry?  If so my mom is an amazing cook and she enjoys talking so it's up to you."  Flora shook her head and sat down on the end of Chloe's bed, she wasn't feeling hungry today she just wanted to go to bed before having another episode.  "You can lay down; do you go to school?"  Chloe was trying her best to figure out the pretty girl in her room but she wasn't getting much out of her.

      "Blackwell, I have school tomorrow."  Of course, she would go to Blackwell, Chloe thought mental rolling her eyes.  She jumped on the bed beside Flora after kicking off her shoes, Flora made herself comfortable on the bed and smiled. It didn't take long for Flora to fall asleep but Chloe stayed up a bit looking her over, so many things about her reminded her about Rachel and it was bittersweet.  It was like having her here but at the same time, Chloe knew there would never be anyone that could replace the force that was Rachel Amber.

Fantasy or Reality (Life is Strange Fanfic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now