Part 22

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Ivar's POV

"We need your help." I say to Lagertha.

"With what?" She asks surprised.

"Endre, he has Steena, Brynjar, Eirik and Margrethe and the child." Remembering that animal has my family makes my body shake with anger.

"What? Why?" She screams, I guess that we can count with her help.

"It is true, he even killed Dagmar." Ubbe says, looking at Sigurd.

"I should have stopped that marriage, but she seemed so desperate. I will kill him myself, for hurting my child and her boys." Lagertha is filled with anger, just like us.

"Why did she married him? She did not love him, so why did she do it?" Hvitserk asks confused.

We all look at Lagertha, she is looking down. She definitely knows the reason.

"The night that she agreed to marry him, a man tried to force her. Endre stopped him, but he convinced Steena that she is not safe. This how Endre convinced her, he said that her sons were not safe." She seems guilty.

"Who is he? I will blood eagle him right now." I was breathing heavily, how can someone dare to touch Steena? He will pay for doing this to her.

"She said that she did not know who he is, but I doubt it, Steena was afraid of what you might think of her. She believed that you would think that she is disgusting, some whore, for letting that man touch her." Lagertha was feeling guilty, she should be, she let my Steena marry that man.

My Steena, I could never think that of you. You are so pure and innocent, but I promise you, I will make this man pay for what he did to you.

"No man in Kattegat would dare to touch Steena, knowing that she has sons with Ivar and all of us love her like a sister. Someone else did this, and I believe that he helped Endre." Sigurd says to us, something in him changed.

"But who? Who would dare go against all of the Ragnarssons?" Ubbe asks.

"I know." Lagertha chuckles and looks down.

"Who?" I ask impatient.

"King Harald, he was impatient to meet the daughter of Kaya. He met Kaya in Paris, the last time she went on a raid, he was crazy about her. But she did not want him, I believe that he went after Endre to seek an alliance. I believe that he was the one that attacked Steena, on the river." I can see that Lagertha is full of rage, but she can control it.

"I will kill him now." How dare this man touch what's mine? I will kill him, I will torture him, I will blood eagle him.

"You can not do that." Lagertha says to me.

"Why not?" I ask annoyed.

"Because we can not prove anything, we need prove that he has Steena and your sons. He is a King and Endre is an Earl, they have power, we must be careful." The calmness in her voice annoys me.

"Well what do you suggest then?" I ask sarcastically.

"For now, we must find Steena. But they can not know, if they discover, they can kill her and your sons." She warns me.

"Alright, me and Ubbe are going to do that. Ivar, do not do anything. Your family's life is at stake." Hvitserk warns me and leaves with Ubbe.

"I will leave too, I need to prepare the funeral for Dagmar. She did not have a family anymore." The tone in Sigurd's voice, made me think of a world without my Steena.

I realized that was only me and Lagertha at the hut, if it wasn't for Steena, I would kill her right now.

"Do not think just because of this, I forgave you for murdering my mother. After Steena is here, I promise you Lagertha, I will kill you." I smirk at her.

"You would kill me? The woman that helped the mother of your sons? Let me tell you something Ivar, you are not good enough for her, I remember all the nights Steena cried because of you until she fell asleep. So you can kill me, but Steena will never forgive you." She left the hut, going to the Great Hall. Her tone was serious, Steena loves her that much?

I didn't sleep tonight, thinking about Steena and our sons, I need them next to me. Ubbe and Hvitserk were looking for the proof that King Harald helped Endre, and for Steena, I wasn't helping because I knew that I would torture every one that didn't gave an answer.

I entered the Great Hall and Lagertha looked at me, I knew that we couldn't talk but I want to know if she knows something about Steena. When I was deep in my thoughts Endre came sit next to me, I want to kill him so bad.

"Hello Ivar, you look tired, did you not sleep? Well since I am a good person, I can end your misery." He says sarcastically.

"What do you want?" I look at him, the rage in my eyes could kill him.

"I will be giving you a choice, who do you love the most? Your whore or your bastards?" He whispers, he really expect me to choose?

When I didn't reply, he continued.

"If you choose your bastards, your whore will be mine. But if you choose your whore, your bastards will be mine." The tone in his voice made me realize that he is serious about this.

"I will give you a few days to think, but hurry Ivar, I am not a patient man." He laughs and walk away.

I crawled back to my hut, I gathered all my forces not to kill Endre right there. How can I choose? I can't, I need the three of them. They are everything to me, I need them. I feel like I'm going insane, Steena doesn't deserve this. It's all my fault, she is hurt because of me.

"We saw Endre talking to you. What did he said?" Hvitserk said to me, Lagertha entered right after him.

"He wants me to choose, if I choose Brynjar and Eirik, he gets Steena, if I choose Steena, he gets our sons." I was going insane, but need to stay strong for you my love, my sweet Steena.

"What did you say?" Hvitserk said carefully.

"Nothing, he gave me a few days to think. Did you find anything about King Harald? Or where Steena might be?" The despair I was feeling, was in my voice.

"Nothing brother." Hvitserk signs and looks down, he loves Steena like a sister, this is obviously making him sad too.

"Ivar." Lagertha calls.

"What?" I look at her.

"You need to choose." She says to me.

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