~ Chapter Four ~

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A few minutes later i found a homeless man sleeping under a bridge near the edge of New York.

I grabbed the man and his head was leaning to one side,exposing his neck.I bite his neck but missed the vain,so i bite him again and this time i got a big vain...its been awhile since I've drank human blood,I've always prefer animal blood and not risking hurting a human.The blood flowed into my mouth like a sweet,bitter,thick river and was so warm and full of energy,I could feel his strength flowing into me while his life decreasing as i kepted on feeding.

Flashes of the mans thoughts or memories came rushing into my mind.I saw a beautiful woman with blonde hair,her hair tied up in a neat bun with light blue eyes,this was the mans wife her name was Rose and the mans name was Paul.The flashes of Paul's memories came faster and faster as i drank more faster,sucking his life away.I quickly ripped my fangs away from his flesh as i felt his heart go slower and slower,his memories stopped as my fangs slipped out,he was going to die right in my arms if i didn't stop.

At 8:30 in the morning i went to Alexa's house.We walked to Katherina's house to pick her up and together we walked to school.

Katherina went over to join Justin when we got to school while me and Alexa went to our lockers to put our bags away and get our books for the first period.Katherina wanted to become a crime investigator so she had to pass science,no matter what.

Later Katherina and Justin walked in the classroom with Justin's new friend,his name was Ray Roney,who had black hair and brown eyes. Katherina came and sat net to Alexa and i,while Justin and Ray sat in front of us.

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