1. Adulting

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In the Pokémon World, a long time ago, there were three powerful royal families. Each family ruled over one region.These regions were named Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn.

Each royal family also managed to colonize one of the remaining regions. Kanto controlled Kalos, Johto controlled Sinnoh, and Hoenn owned Unova. This equal divide of land and power allowed many years to be lived in peace. That was, until Alola was discovered.


"Red, follow me."

Red shakes in excitement as his father opens the door.

He's always wanted to be part of what goes on in the room. He's seen many important people from different regions go in with his father.

His father enters, with Red right behind him.

"Remember Red: do not say anything. Just stay quiet in the chair next to me."

"Yes Father."

They walk towards the end of the long, wooden table and sit down, with Red's father slamming his fist on the table, silencing everyone.

"Lance, give us an update on what you discovered."

"Yes sir."

A man with long robes and cape, stands up with his red hair adding a menacing look to his dark eyes.

"Just a few miles Southwest of Cinnabar Island, there is a group of islands, that together form a new region: Alola."

The rest of the table, all made up of gym leaders and the elite four of Kanto, mutter and whisper among themselves.

"Many of you might not think this is a big deal. But that is far from the truth. Alola is home to many of new Pokémon, along with new forms of Kanto Pokémon. They still don't have a league or government set up, but it's very obvious that this region has a lot to offer. It's so obvious that the other kingdoms, Johto and Hoenn, are also interested in the region. Any kingdom who gets the region will upset the balance that we've had for so long, and will no doubt lead to violence."

Red's father stays silent, with his folded hands covering his mouth.

"Well, we can't let any of the other two kingdoms get this region! It will certainly leave us at a disadvantage!" Blaine, the fire gym leader yells out.

"But is it really worth fighting a war over Blaine? We have to put the people first! We can't expect them to be in bed for fighting a war for a region we barely know about!" Misty, the water gym leader counters.

"The way I see it, no matter which road we take, they will end up in the same place," Sabrina says.

"My lord, what do you have on your mind?" Brock asks.

Red's father stares at the map of all the regions placed in the center of the table. He then stands up and walks over towards the center of the table.

"I, the present, don't have a solution that will save our kingdom from the inevitable violence ensured in our future," Red father says, as he picks up a Kanto figure from the map.

"But, perhaps the future, does," he says, looking over at Red.

Red gulps.

"Red, you are the next heir to the throne, being the eldest of my three children. It just so happens, that Johto, our sister region, happens to have two heirs to the throne, with Crystal being the first in line."

"Not only that, Silver, the son of Johto, is supposed to marry Sapphire of Hoenn," Red father continues. He then picks up all the different Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn pieces in his hand.

"What if, we could make all these boundaries and borders, disappear? End all the rivalry with a series of weddings?"

Red eyes pop open.

He couldn't believe it. Was his father suggesting that he be married to Crystal? A girl he has only met once!

"So this is what we will do: I will convince the other families to not invade Alola. Allow the region to grow on it's own, saving us money and effort. As soon as Red and the other heirs become of age, the weddings will be held!"

"That's genius my lord! That way, there won't ever be violence if all the kingdoms are ruled under the same family!" Lance exclaims.

Everyone in the room burst into cheers and start singing in glee, glad to have avoided war. All, but the boy sitting silently in his chair.

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