Tiring Day

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Today for a few of the Penguins was different than any other day. Today, Horny, Olli, Raegan, Sid, and Flower were doing a question and answer "pannel" for season ticket holders. They each put on their mics and walked onto stage being called on by one.

"And welcome number 83, Raegan Murray!" Dan Potash introduced her. The crowd erupted in applause and cheers. Raegan smiled and waved at them. When they sat down, Sid made a remark.

"I think Rae may have gotten more applause than me." Sid laughed, so did Rae.

"I wouldn't go that far, Sid. I may have gotten more than Ollsy, but, not you."

"Hey!" Olli feigned offense. The crowd laughed.

"Alright, Celina Pompeani is in the crowd right now. Don't be afraid to ask a question." Potash said. The first question was from a little girl who looked about thirteen.

"Hello, dear! What's your name?" Celina asked.

"My name is Magnolia, and my question is for Rae. Are you enjoying Pittsburgh?" Mal laughed.

"Uh, yes in fact. I am really enjoying it, as well as my daughter." The guys gasped. She hadn't expressed her love for The Burgh.

"Don't worry, Magnolia. We didn't know either." Flower said. They just laughed and Celina went over to a little boy around Luna's age.

"My name is Jackson, and I just wanted to tell Raegan that she's really pretty." Everyone awed, including Rae.

"Awe, thank you, Jackson. You are a very sweet boy. Your parents are raising you well." Rae responds.

The rest of the the questions were regular questions, until one hit Mal hard.

"Hi, um, my name is Karli, and this is for Rae. Uh, um, what advice would you give to someone whose best friend has depression and on the verge of giving up. She's also a huge fan of you" Karli's voice cracked a bit and Rae started to tear up as this has happened to her, too.

"Uh, well, I've gone through the same thing, sweetheart. My best friend, Naomi, went through the same thing as your best friend. She was at the darkest point in her life. All I can say is, stay by her side and let her know that she's worth it and that you won't let her walk alone. Let her know that no matter who walks out of her life, you'll be there, no matter what. Here, can someone bring her on stage?" Celina led her down to the stage and Rae got up. She led Karli to the middle of the stage.

"Karli, why don't you FaceTime your friend and tell her that you have a surprise for you." Karli nodded and took out her phone. The phone rang until someone picked up.

"Hey, Karls!"

"Hey, Carmen. I, uh, I have a little surprise for you."

"And what is that, Karli?" Carmen asked.

"You know how you're a big fan of Raegan Murray?"


"Well, uh, here she is." Karli handed the phone to Raegan and Carmen gasped, letting years fall down her face.

"Hey there, Carmen. I hear that you aren't doing too well." Carmen shook her head.

"I had a friend who was in the exact same situation you are in. You can't give up, okay? Don't let whatever it is bothering you, drag you so far. Do that for me, okay?"

"Okay! Thank you, Rae! You're awesome!"

"Anytime, Carmen! I loved talking to you! I'll talk to you another time, buh-bye!"

"Bye!" Rae typed a quick text to Carmen, giving Carmen her number. She handed the phone back to Karli. Karli was led back to her seat and thanked Rae on the way.

"Give it up for Patric Hornqvist, Marc-Andre Fleury, Sidney Crosby, Olli Määttä, and Raegan Murray!" The crowd erupted as they walked off the stage.

Horny drove Rae home. They listened to music as they drove. Horny unexpectedly turned it down.

"You know, that thing you did back there was amazing. I've never seen any hockey player do that."

"Well, I just kind of spoke from experience. Watch, the press will twist it into some terrible story, saying that I told a girl to give up, or something."

"The press twists everything." Horny said. Rae laughed and agreed. The rest of the ride was silent, but not awkward. Horny dropped Rae off at her house and walked to his. Luna was sleeping over Flower's house with Estelle, so Rae had the house to herself.

After an hour of looking around her kitchen, Raegan decided to go out to buy food. She despised food shopping because she always spent too much. She grabbed the keys to her new F-150 and jumped in her car. She put the keys in the ignition and drove off.

Raegan pulled into her driveway and turned off her car. She got out of the car and walked to the trunk. She opened it, pulled our the groceries, and walked inside her house. Days like this were tiring.

Lord Stanley, Lord Stanley (Pittsburgh Penguins) (On Hold)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ