Letter One

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Dear Me,
I won't ask you how you are, I already know. What I'd like to tell you is that I love you, you are smart and beautiful and lovely, and there is so much in store for you in life so stop worrying. It gets you nowhere. Look and see for yourself, the tasks you felt are insurmountable you have overcome and you'll keep doing that. You'll cross that bridge when you get to it, don't forget that.

You can be sad okay, it's not wrong, you don't even need a reason, just cry if you need to, process your emotions in a healthy way.

Write those poems and those books and put them out there, you've got words in your heart, dont keep them captive, never let fear stop you anymore.

I hope that at some point you can forgive yourself for hurting that person that loved you and forgive those who have hurt you.

Stop being afraid of judgement, if you love it you love it. That's that. No matter what anyone says it brings you joy, anyone who can't accept that, well maybe you need to edit some of the people you surround yourself with. Those who love and support you have been there time and time again, allow them to do it, don't shut them out. It's okay to need help.

Lastly I promise to you I'll try to eat better and get some sleep. You deserve to be treated well, let's start with that.



Dear Me (A Compilation of Letters to Oneself)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang