It Would Become An Everday Tradition

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Erin slowly got out of bed, her feet hitting the cool hard wooded floor sending chills through her body. She walked over to the mirror, examining herself. Jay's Ranger hoodie fell to her thighs, the purple splotches still visible. She cringed at herself. She had lost so much weight in the past week and a half, inly living off of Jay's pancakes, tea, and tortilla chips with queso dip.

That's all she would wear. One of Jay's shirts and shorts. Sometimes she would even turn the AC to sixty degrees and slip on sweats to coverup all the bruises Scott left behind.

She knew Jay was tired. He would always be awake first, go to bed last, and followed her everywhere. He was probably tired of her. Why wouldn't he be? She was a screwup.

The smell of Jay's pancakes elided her from her thoughts, and she slowly walked into the kitchen of her apartment, Jay's bare back to her, flipping pancakes onto a plate. His pants laid low, and she walked passed him, to the fridge pulling out the iced tea she had bought at a local tea shop.

Jay's head turned and he frowned when he saw the purple marks on her thighs. Why would anyone do that to her? His girl. He would never forgive himself for not finding her earlier.

He turned off the stove, putting the pan in the sink, walking over to Erin. "Morning, Er." He enveloped her into a hug, Erin accepting it.

"Hi." She nuzzled her head into Jay's shoulder, tightening her grip.

Jay knew this would be one of Erin's longer days, just the way she was acting. "How'd you sleep? I made your pancakes." He smiled, rubbing her back as he guided them over to the stools in her kitchen, taking a seat next to Erin.

Erin smiled gratefully, happily taking three pancakes from the plate, and giving the other three to Jay's and putting butter and maple syrup over the chocolatey and strawberry sweetness. She had loved his pancakes for the past ten months. The first tome Jay ever stayed the night at her place after a hard case, the next morning she awoke to the smell and fell in love with him ever since.

"I slept okay. I've slept better. How about you?" Erin asked, stuffing her face with pancakes.

Jay nodded. He knew she didn't sleep well. Prior to the attack, when he would stay over or she would, his arms would always instinctively fall around her, pulling her into an embrace. Neither of them cared either. But now, they would always start in Jay's arms, but Erin would always toss and turn, and Jay finally gave up after the first night. "I slept okay. I was worried about you."

Erin sighed, finishing her pancakes in record time. She was starving. "Do you want some toast?" She asked, making her way over to the toaster, popping in two pieces for herself.

Jay's eyes followed her closely, looking at her skinny frame. She had lost so much weight. Too much weight. She needed to eat a lot. "Sure. Cinnamon toast?" Jay asked. He and Erin loved cinnamon toast. Every other Thursday they would go to CW's a local diner, and order two cups of iced coffee, cinnamon toast, and split bacon and eggs.

Erin nodded, reaching up to the spice cabinet, Jay's hoodie clinging to her abdomen, revealing more blue and purple marks. "And Jay, don't worry about me. I'll be fine. This all will be a lot better in a few weeks." She smiled confidently.

Jay knew otherwise. Life would go back to normal eventually, she just needs to take it day by day. Tonight Hank would come over for supper, Erin agreeing to cook her legendary spahgetti. "Er, I'll always worry about you. You know that."

Linstead: Undercover MissionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz