Re-reaping Day (Really long Chapter)

Start from the beginning

Ew. Fuck that name. Shit! That's my name.

I feel a part of me die. Like the rest of me was going to in a few days.

Everything is in slow motion. Chelsea faints and drops onto the ground. My mother screams my name. Beth gasps. I walk down the middle.

Fuck my life, fuck it somuch!

I deal with my pain through comedy but I don't think that's gonna work this time. Effie is smiling at me.

Nobody here knows how much I want to slap all six and a half pounds of makeup off her face. Her powdered blue wig is calling me. Hear that? 'Natalie! Natalie! Tearmeoff. One simple pull and I'll be free to live at the costume store.' They'll kill me.

"Kid. Kiiiiid. Want to hurry up?" Effie whispers to me.

I walk faster on the stage. She holds up one of my hands.

"Natalia Peterkin, everybody!" I roll my eyes after she says that, in my mind obviously. They'd shoot me if I really rolled my eyes.

Petar walks out onto the stage.

This day just keeps getting better and fucking better.

He waves to the crowd and then extends his hand out for me to shake. I narrow my eyes at his hand..

I'm very antisocial. I only have one friend who is not okay at the moment. I hesitantly shake his hand.

"Give it up for this year's DISTRICT 2 TRIBUTES!" She yells.

Everybody claps and we stand there and wave for a while.

Finally we are ushered into the justice building. There are two white couches in the foyer right across from each other. I sit down in one of them. Petar sits across from me.

"Hi. I'm Natalia. But you can- correction- you will call me Natalie." I say trying to sound nice and then giving up.

At least I tried.

"I'm Petar but I guess you already know that." He says quietly. "Look, before we get our final goodbyes with our family promise that you're not kill yourself like that other girl, I am not going through this again." He adds.

"Don't worry about that. You should promise that you're not gonna kill yourself as well." I say while laughing.

"Fine." He says while sarcastically rolling his eyes.

"Excuse me? No. Say 'I solemnly swear that I Petar whatever-your-last-name-is am not going to kill myself. If I shall die it shall be from natural causes or murder.'" I say somewhat jokingly. He raises his three fingers and repeats what I said.

"Good. Then I guess we won't have a problem." I say.

"You shall go to your designated rooms where you will see your families." A male peacekeeper says as he walks into the justice building.

Petar and I part ways and go to opposite rooms. The room is about the size of my living room at home.

My mom rushes through the door.

"Are you Ok?" She says while hugging me tightly.

"Physically, yes. Emotionally, no." I say calmly.

"You're going to be Ok. Just never forget I love you! You don't have to win for me but if you want to win do it for yourself." She says between sobs.

"Two minutes!" The peacekeeper outside the door says.

"Aaah. I love you and don't stop believing that for a second in that arena. If you get scared, just hang onto this." She says less calmly giving me a silver Infinity Necklace.

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