Alone Time and Akward Situations

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I think Mal and Ben deserve a little alone time...  this chapter is probably on the verge of smut so be careful.

Author's POV

Mal was asleep having a perfect dream about her, Ben and a very, very nice bed, when she was awoken by a clatter across her room. Mal's eyes immediately snapped open as she prepared to attack the would be intruder. With a loud scream Mal jumped out of bed and pinned her assailant to the wall ignoring the pain in her shoulder. "Mal it's me Ben." Ben said as Mal relaxed her grip. Mal looked around for Evie but she wasn't in her bed. "Evie went to go hang out with Jane and Lonnie for the night." Ben said as if sensing Mal's thoughts. "Why?" Mal asked. "Because I asked her to." Ben said. "Why?" Mal asked again. "So that I could spend some time with you. Now where's the light switch? Ah here it is." Ben said. "Ben wait." Mal said but it was too late the light was on and Mal in only her bra and underwear was revealed, causing Ben's mouth to go dry." Ben turn that back off." Mal said. "Why it's not like I haven't seen you like this before." Ben said. "Yes but-" Mal didn't even have time to finish her sentence because Ben all but pounced on her. He laid her down onto the bed being careful not to hurt her shoulder. Then his mouth was on hers Mal gasped when she felt his lips travel down to her clavicle remembering her dream from earlier. "Ben, slow down I want to try something." Mal breathed. Ben reluctantly did as she asked. Mal rolled them over so she was straddling Ben's hips and began to move up and down slowly. Ben tore his shirt off and began kissing her neck, making his way to where her bra ended right under her breasts. He kissed her there causing her eyes to roll back in pleasure. Ben didn't know how he managed to get this reaction out of her without them being naked and probably never would and at that moment he didn't care. Ben's hands began to wonder down her sides, the bottom of her back before they came to grip her butt he pushed her down onto his lap hard the next time trying to get some friction going. Since Mal was trying something new Ben decided to as well. His hands made their way back up her sides and to her bra. Mal was so distracted by his lips on her neck that she didn't even know what he was doing until she felt her bra fall of her body. Mal looked at Ben in shock but Ben wasn't looking at her face. No, his gaze was on her breasts. He reached out hesitantly to touch one but stopped just short of actually doing so. Mal grabbed his hand and placed it on her right breast using her hand as a guide to show him how to touch her there and what she liked. After finding a rhythm of squeezing and kneading Mal removed her hand and let him take over. Mal kept her eyes closed, which is why she didn't notice the mischievous glint in Ben's eye as he lowered his head. Mal gave a sharp gasp when she felt Ben's mouth on her left breast and just about screamed when he started sucking. Ben started to pull away thinking he'd hurt her. "Benjamin Florian  don't you dare stop if you do I swear I will never kiss you again." Mal said as she began bouncing up and down faster. "Your wish is my command." Ben said before licking her nipple with his tongue. That time Mal did scream right before she felt apart in his hands. Mal collapsed on his chest breathing hard. "That just wow." Mal said when she'd caught her breath. "Hey Mal are you okay? We heard screaming so We came to check- What in the name of Mother Gothel happened here?" Evie asked when she saw Mal topless and only in her underwear laying on top of Ben. "I can explain this isn't what it looks like just give me a minute..." Mal panted and looked up to see not only Evie but Jay, Carlos, Lonnie, Jane, Doug, and Dude Mal quickly wrapped her blanket around her and turned to explain. "We didn't have sex..." Mal said. "Really then what happened?" Jay asked slightly uncomfortable and angry. "Do you really want to know?" Mal asked. "Yes." Jay replied. "Okay but don't say I didn't warn you." Mal said. "Okay so the first thing you should know is that Ben has an amazing mouth and I do mean amazing." Mal said. "I don't think I want to know anymore." Jay said getting up to leave." Uh uh you said you wanted to know so you are going to stay and listen, besides this might be educational for some of you." Mal said using magic to make Jay sit back down. "So I'm just going to show you what happened with magic."Mal said before an image of her and Ben appeared on the wall. Mal showed them the memory making sure that they couldn't see her breasts, much to Ben's embarrassment. Whenever the Memory was done everyone had mixed reactions. Jay and Carlos looked like they were going to be sick, Doug was confused. Lonnie didn't seem to care and Evie and Jane just looked jealous. "You see, no sex." Mal said. "Yeah we see that." Jay said. "And Jay what did you learn?" Mal asked mockingly. "To never ever ask questions about yours and Ben's relationship." Jay answered.
"Good. Now Ben where's your shirt?" Mal asked. "Right here." he said handing it to her so she could put it on. "Thanks." Mal said. "Now my shoulder hurts so I'm going to bed and you guys should too." Mal said before curling up into bed and closing her eyes clearly stating that the conversation was over. Everyone, including Ben left the room but Evie who just went to her bed and laid down with a sigh. "Why can't Doug ever be like that.?" Evie grumbled to herself before rolling over and drifting off to sleep. Mal grinned at that before she fell back to sleep for the night as well.

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