Kihyun bowed. "I'm Seo Kihyun and this is my baby brother Gikwang. I apologize greatly, our parents aren't home, their work schedules can be quite the sporadic sort. If you'd like to talk to them I can give you their contact information."

"N-no it's fine." The man paused blinking at the teenager. "How old are you?"

"Sixteen sir, Gikwang is six."

"Ah," he nodded. "Pleasure to meet you two. Dahee is twelve and Yookjae is five."

"Oh Gikwangie," Kihyun smiled. "You're a hyung."

"How can I be a hyung?" Gikwang turned towards his brother with a frown and furrowed eyebrows. "I thought you're only a hyung if you're an older brother?"

"I'm your hyung, but you're his hyung. It means he's younger than you. You don't have to be brother's to be someone's hyung buddy." Kihyun smiled, pinching Gikwang's cheek.

"So you're not my real brother?" His bottom lip fell and his eyes watered.

"No, Gikwangie. I'm your real brother, but you're his hyung, its like a title! Like your teachers!"

"So, it's same as how Junho-sonsongnam—"


"—is my teacher then?"

"Mm. To him you can be 'Gikwang-hyung' and he can be a really close friend of yours."

"Oh!" Gikwang perked before he wiggled. "Hyung, down."

Kihyun blinked in surprise before letting his brother down, frown turning into a smile, when Gikwang padded over to the boy with the smile and pat his head.

"Hello," he continued to pat the boys head. "I'm Gikwang, your hyung."

Yookjae blinked before he smiled wide at the other boy. "Hello Gikwang-hyung!"

The two boys exchanged big smiles and Chan chuckled. "Yookjae loves new people. We should setup some play-dates between the two."

Kihyun eagerly nodded. "That would be great. Gikwang only sees me, I'd love for him to hang out with someone his own age!"

Chan nodded, handing the soup in his hands over to Kihyun, leaning down and lifting his son up. "We'll set some time up okay?"

Kihyun nodded, and watched as Gikwang waved goodbye to Yookjae and Dahee.

"Hyung," Gikwang blinked before he swung to look towards his older brother.

"Hmm?" He said moving the pot to his side as he unlocked the front door and let Gikwang inside. He slipped his shoes off, putting his slippers on before making his way to the kitchen. He could hear Gikwang's little feet pattering behind him, hand eagerly attached to his pants.

"They were nice!"


"And hyung, they were really pretty! Especially Yookjae, hyung! He's the prettiest person I've ever seen."

Kihyun hummed, smile slipping onto his face, eyebrows furrowing. "Was he?"

"Mmhm!" Gikwang continued on. "He was so pretty." Kihyun turned towards Gikwang blinking when he noticed the blush on his brother's face. "I love him, I'm going to marry Yookjae one day!"

Kihyun froze completely, eyes widening. "W-what did you just say?"

"I said," Gikwang rolled his eyes. "that one day I'm going to marry Yookjae. He's very pretty and—"

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