Chapter Three

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Eager to see what Aidon looks like, I swing around in my stool and I had to reach behind myself to grip the granite before I fell off. The blood in my face drained and I felt myself pale, my knuckles aching from the deathly grip that they had on the granite. My lashes dropped slowly as I blink in disbelief. In front of me was Aidon. This time I knew that I have seen him before. Vee was going to kill me.

He was the mystery man from Friday night... and he was wearing a new pair of navy blue suede shoes.

I can't help but stare dumbfounded at Aidon, especially after thinking about the last time I saw him. He looks different in this lighting. His face looked like it was sculpted, and his eyes were even more mesmerizing sober. His gaze is captivating, and I can't help but to feel as though he is drawing me in. He is wearing a suit, and one that looks expensive. It hugs him in all the right places, and I look once more up at his face. His dark hair is styled neatly, his soft hair brushed slightly to the right and the subtle undercut looks like it was trimmed with insane precision. His skin is subtly bronzed, this man must be a child of the sun. His cheeks are well defined, and are met with a jawline that is worthy of a model. The last thing I notice before feeling like a total creep is his 5 o'clock shadow just looking drool worthy. This man could definitely do things to a woman. Surely there must be a mistake.

"Is there something on my face or...?" Aidon looks down at me and I can't help but notice the look of annoyance flash across his face. I feel my cheeks tingle with the familiar blush that I have grown accustomed to. He clenches his jaw as recognition shines in his eyes. "You," he growls. "Do you know how expensive those shoes were? Do you? You can't walk a whole ten steps and I am supposed to trust you in a museum?"

Talk about moody. I feel my eyes begin to water in complete embarrassment and Erik looks over to me concerned.

"What?" Erik questions, his button nose scrunching as he tries to make sense of what is happening. His eyes show a storm of worry, before he begins to... chuckle? It is a light sound that soon turns into a full fit of laughter. "Oh man, no way. This is her isn't it? The one from last night? The one who saved us from having to see those god-awful shoes again!" He looks over to Aidon and he runs his fingers through his blonde hair as he shakes his head. "You," he says in between his laughter as he points to Aidon, "have no right to be rude. What would your father say? Or better yet, what would your sister say? You know how Aphie feels about how pretty women deserve to be treated." Erik whispers my name softly to get my attention. "Ophelia, he is an incredibly stupid, stupid man when it comes to his stupid shoes. No harm done, they weren't even that nice if you ask me." He beams one of those infectious smiles at me and his eyes return to their bluish-green hue.

Apparently, Aidon isn't used to being scolded. He scowls at Erik, his blue eyes darkening as he clenches his jaw once more. Taking a deep breath, his fingers loosen from the defensive fist that they curled into. He must really be scared of his Dad and his sister, I think to myself. Erik shrugs at me as if to say he is. My mind races as I try to figure out whether or not I carelessly thought out loud again. Aidon clearing his throat caught my attention and drew me out from my thoughts.

"So who exactly are you?" he asks, as he finally lets go of the memory. His eyes once more gaze into my own as if he could see right through me. It is always the cute guys who just have to be creepy sometimes.

"Well I- I'm Ophelia Maddix, Professor Evans coordinated this placement for me." I stumble out, trying to remember how to breathe. As I inhale, I muster up as much confidence that I can.

An unreadable expression crosses over his features. "Professor Evans?" he questions, his gaze locking onto mine. "Oh, Richard!" He nods to himself and I notice how his hair remains absolutely perfect, not a strand out of place. Sighing "He mentioned that you were into the statues, I imagine that that is the reason why you are here. I'm Aidoneus Eliades, I am the most well-versed, uh person, in this field. Erik you've obviously met, he is a companion of sorts of mine, and he is also... studying I guess." His eyes flicker as though he is trying to remember everything that he wanted to say. "Call me Aidon, everyone else does" he finishes, before continuing to walk through to his makeshift office. Erik and I watch in silence as I he closes the old door, before I hesitantly turn my head to look at him.

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