Chapter 24; Does he?

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Johnny's POV

"Are you sure that happened?" Carson asked.

I nodded and take a seat on my bed. I place my head in my hands. I can't believe I actually kissed her. I'm the only one that remembers.

"How the fuck did you remember this?" Lauren asked.

"I don't know I just started thinking about it and then everything just hit me. It was like a ton of bricks. I'm positive it happened though," I say.

"John, Brandon is going to kill you," Hayden says.

I look up with my eyes widened.

"I did not even think about Brandon. Oh gosh, I'm going to die. Lauren if I die, give all my research to Doctor Miller," I say turning to my sister.

"You're not going to die because we're going to fight him," Carson said.

I nodded and leaned back in my seat. "How am I going to tell Mackenzie?" I ask.

Everyone shrugs. Trying to think on how or when is a good time to tell Mackenzie about our kiss.


I walked up to the large house. Behind me is the squad including Maddie and her friends. Maddie steps in front of us and unlocks the door. Letting us into the house.

We hear fighting as soon as we stepped into the house. We look at each other confused. Walking around, we try to find where the arguing was coming from.

I find it going on upstairs. In one of the bedrooms. I walk in and noticed it's Mackenzie's bedroom. I look inside and see her and Brandon fighting.

"Why not?!" Brandon asked.

"Because I said no!" Mackenzie shouts.

"Is it because of that prick Johnny?! You had to fucking kiss him! I've always hated him. But no! Nobody fucking listens to me!" Brandon shouts.

"Because you're ridiculous Brandon!" Carson shouts behind me.

They turned to us. Mackenzie's eyes watered, she wanted to cry. Brandon looked pissed. He approached me and grabs me by my shirt.

"You little fucking prick! You stole my friends and now you stole my girl. You're dead meat nerd!" Brandon exclaims.

He lifts his fist and punches me in the face.

"STOP!" Mackenzie shouts.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP MACKENZIE!" Brandon said shoving her to the wall.

I got angry and shoved Brandon. Which wasn't a great idea, but, I needed to stand up. I try to throw a punch but, he punches me. I fell to the ground and groaned.

As I laid there, the guys took over. After several minutes, he leaves. After he's long gone everyone comes over, making sure I'm okay.

"John, sweetie, are you okay?" Mackenzie asked.

"I am fine, just a bit bruised," I answer sitting up.

"More like bruised and bloody," Lauren states.

I look over and shake my head, rolling my eyes. I am handed a towel to clean up the blood dripping from my nostrils.

"Hey guys, can I talk to John for a bit. Alone," Mackenzie insisted.

They nodded and exited the room. Mackenzie walks over smiling at me. She takes a seat next to me and wraps an arm around me.

"I'm sorry about all of this, just everything," Mackenzie apologized.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I kissed you last night."

She shakes her head. "Don't you worry about it sweetie, it's not your fault. I promise. Everything I do goes wrong. I'm sorry, if you didn't meet me you wouldn't have to go through this," Kenzie explains.

I sighed and looked down. Wrap both my arms around her. Keeping the towel under my nose. I let her lean her head against me.

"If I didn't meet you, I wouldn't be the person I am now. I have more than I had before I first actually spent time with you," I explain. "I like spending time with you Mackenzie. Don't you blame yourself for anything that Neanderthal has done. That's his mistakes. Not yours."

"Well if it wasn't for my mistake the Neanderthal wouldn't have been in our lives," Mackenzie mumbles.

"Why did you date him in the first place?"

Kenzie sighs, she looks up and takes the towel from my hand and holds it for me. Dabbing up some blood that's dripped down to my chin.

"It was to get back at my parents. They blamed me for something stupid. Yelled at me for not being like Maddie. So to get them back, I started to date Brandon. Before we were just sort of friends. I knew he was more of a bad boy, drinking, drugs, partying and everything in between. That's why I dated him," Mackenzie explains.

"Did he ever make you feel happy?"

"Ya I-"

"No, I mean happy. Like where you felt as if you were good enough. Like you're the only person in the world who cares, like you knew who you were?" I explain.

She looks up at me and I look down at her. We both lean in slowly. Our noses touch and then our lips. Moving in sync it felt amazing. I understand why everyone likes this so much.

We move apart and look at each other.

"He never made me feel the way you make me feel," Mackenzie whispers.

Grey Matter- JO MFZ [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz