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Sihana_yuki i already wrote a kuriboh one but I guess you loved it so much that you requested it again🐢 lol turtles are cute
   "I'm grabbing Kuriboh!" You hollered before lunging at a surprised Jaden. "Mine, mine,mine" you chanted, body searching for his prized possession. "Huzzah" you cried in triumph as you finally found the adorable duel monster, kissing it lovingly you climbed off of a stunned Jadens chest. "Do the magic old man" you demanded, glaring at Atem impatiently. He rolled his violet eyes but a smile toyed at his lips "very well then go into the closet". It was like you teleported into the closet because one second you were there the next you were gone. You slide a pair of sick shades onto your face just as the expected flash of light happened. Seconds later Kuroboh was on the floor, groaning in pain. "I swear the pain gets worse every time" he moaned, clutching his chin. "My baby" you cried, attacking him in a hug. "Hahaha yes, y/n" he laughed "I missed you too". "You do not know how much I've missed you" you sighed happily,resting your cheek on his lean chest. "Can you please got off of me, don't get me wrong, love this position it's just that I kinda can't breath" he said with a lopsided smile. You narrowed your e/c eyes "are you calling me fat?"  His face fell "what no, of course not!" He reassured. You pretended to sniffle as you got off his chest "I can't believe you Kuriboh, I can't believe a duel monster as cute as you could be so savage and mean". " but I didn't" he started to protest but you cut him off "no, we're done, I don't want to see you anymore".  "But babe" he pleaded "I didn't mean it, I was just being an idiot". "You said it not me" you smirked. He narrowed his eyes "seriously?"  "Yup" you grinned "you're so desperate to keep me around, I mean I know I'm amazing and flawless but seriously this takes desperate to a whole new level". "Can you stop bruising what's left of my pride" he pouted in an adorable way.  "Since you asked so nicely" you teased. "Thank you" he sighed "now let's use the rest of our time left to passionately make out". You grabbed the collar of his white t-shirt and pulled him in for a rather hungry kiss, lips against lips and a little tongue here and there. When he pulled away a whine escaped your throat. "Who's desperate now?" He crowed before slowly fading away. You let out a sigh, the affect that boy had on you.

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