a reason to hate

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When Nera and the other to girls returned a fight broke out over who should be with John first and when. Mother had to slap a few of them to calm them down enough to listen to her, she wanted to share a secret with them. The girls were told to sit in a circle and hold hands while enterlocking their hair with the person on either side of them to form the "chetorian bond of life's essence" because in this way they would all experience the story as one and as if it had actually happened to them instead of to her. She admitted this story didn't really happen to her, it had happened to her grandmothers mother but her own mother shared it with her when she was a child.

They reluctantly did as told and mother joined the circle as well. When all where in position she had them close their eyes and she began the transfer of her essence and the girls began to fade into darkness.

Shara was eleven winters old when she went to her grandfathers home for the first time, he was a general in the military and her mother feared it wouldn't be a good idea to visit before now. Shara had fun spending time with him for several hours before he was called away for business leaving her free to explore at her own leisure. She did so as any child would and after a few hours she wore herself out and decided to head back to grandfathers home for food and a nap. On her way she passed a small shed with its door unlatched so she thought why not explore it too since its so small? Once inside she learned it wasn't what it appeared to be and this would take longer than she had anticipated.

Inside the little shed was a staircase leading to a passage deep underground, that passage led to a huge room where Shara could hear laughter and crying both. She approached as slowly and silently as she could and almost ran out of there when she saw where the noice was coming from. She saw seven grown men standing around a girl not much older than Shara was herself, maybe fourteen at most. The girl was naked and bloody, she was being held up by five of the men as one was between her legs moving back and forth. It took Shara a few seconds to realize they were raping the girl and she was going to yell at them to stop or she'd tell her grandfather and he'd hurt them for sure!

Then she froze, she couldn't tell her grandfather because he was the one forcing his manhood down the girls throat. Then Shara realized her own father was the man raping the child as the others held her in place. This lasted for another hour or two, Shara was in shock so time passed without her knowledge. All she could do was watch in horror at what they did to this poor girl. Each man took turns at both ends of the girl and at times they would punch her or twist her nipple until she screamed. When they needed time to rest before using her again they made her masturbate or simply took turns seeing who could make her scream the loudest.

Shara just stood there watching in horror at the things these men did, shocked at how her own father and grandfather acted towards the girl. She managed to run out before being caught but made a mental note to return later that night to see if she could help the girl.

When she got home for dinner and her father and grandfather joined the rest of the family they acted like nothing was wrong. They told her how beautiful she was and how proud they were of her like normal. She almost cried when her mother asked what the men had been up to all afternoon and her father replied that they had been "breaking in a new beast for her dad to use, nothing special. Just your everyday thing." The men simply laughed, agreed it was nothing and began to eat. Shara had lost her hunger, it had been replaced with disgust and fear. She did her best to hide it though as she ate as much as she could before asking to go to bed stating she was tired from all her exploring she had done earlier in the day.

Of course they all allowed her to excuse herself and go to bed, she was only eleven so bed was a good place for her.

Very early the next morning Shara got out of bed and snuck out of her grandfathers home and on her way to visit the girl underground and see if she was ok. She was able to make it all the way to the shed without getting caught and even though she was truly frightened she entered the shed and went down the stairs into the passage leading to the girl. When she got to the room where she had seen the girl before and was pleased to see she was alone and not being abused. She wasn't happy with what she did see though, the girl was still naked and being heldup but this time it was by chains. The girl was upside down hanging by her ankles which were spread wide exposing her completely. Her hands were tied behind her back and her head dangled about three or so feet above the ground. The girl was also blindfolded and covered in bruises and cuts that still oozed blood. Shara was about to rush to her aide when she heard a noise and stopped just before the guard entered the room.

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