first encouters

21 0 0

i was rudely awakened by my shuttles proximity alarm and before i could even begin to deal with that i was knocked on my ass by my bed partner as she started shouting shit! soon she was joined by my sentry and i noticed both were trying to force me into the shuttle while aiming their energy rifles at something? i bumped my head on the shuttle door as i noticed it wasnt a something but rather a someone, a siding still but very frightened someone.

"Order twelve" i shouted as loudly as i could and both kami and dani stopped and simply looked at me. i kind of jumped when dani said, "are you fucking serious? order 12? you want us to kneel and suck your dick now of all times? you gotta be fucking kidding right?"

ok my mistake, not order 12. it got them to shout up and stop aiming their weapons at whomever it is standing their, that was my goal. "order 21, shut up and stand there. do not move or make a sound unless i order it. let me see what this is all about, do not interfere unless my life is endanger. order 21."

with that i check my head and see im bleeding a lil and as i look up i notice the someone is an alein female that loos very earthlike. about five foot five and maybe 115 pounds or so. very perky medium size boobs with a gorgeous face and anime like eyes. her skin was a perfect golden tan as if she just spen the summer in florida and the smile was intoxicating. her hair was very long and cover most of her body, kind of like clothing. i tried speaking to her but she just tilted her head and took a step back. with that failing me i ordered kami to ge the translator devices and placed one on myself and tried to get my new female friend to accept the other.

she of course refused, well not so much as refused as didnt understand what i was requesting id guess. i showed her by placing it on dani and pretending to talk. it didnt work. she simply smiled, said something in her own language and turned to walk away. ive been here a week and this is the first and only life ive seen on this planet that wasnt in a food category there was no way id let her just walk away. i approached her and gently placed my hand on her shoulder to try and convince her to stay longer.

as i touched her though i got a huge fright, her hair moved!! it encompassed us both, pressing her body tightly next to mine. as i was blinded by a brilliantly bright light i saw dani and kami scream and begin to fire at us. next thing i saw was darkness, i thought i was dead for a brief second. i wasnt though, as my eyes adjusted i saw i was inside a cave, i dont know where though because this was fucking huge! i mean it was a cave but it had buildings and roads and light from someplace? i was in awe as i just tried to take it all in, im a sports fan and ive been to many games with over 65000 people in stadiums and i was impressed with the size of those places ut the were dwarfed by this cave. i couldnt throw a ball high enough to hit the ceiling, a truly huge place.

thats when i noticed a few more things, i wasnt alone. my female friend was still here with me. i also noticed beneath her hair was nothing, just a body so perfect she would of been admired by the masses back on earth. i wont lie, my cock instantly got hard when i saw her naked body.

imagine my embarrassment when i noticed another shocking thing, we were not alone. another six figures stood off to one side y a very beautiful golden waterfall. the smallest looked like a 14 yearold earth girl and the oldest was maybe early 30s or so. i said hi, tried to talk to each of them. i tried getting at least one of them to try my communications device but they all just ignored me and chattered amongst themselves.

what the fuck am i going to do now? i cant talk to these "people", i dont know where we are or how the hell we even got here. i dont know where my shuttle is or how to even get back to the surface? needless to say im fucked and not in a good way. and i dont like the way they are looking at me and pointing either. i hope im not on the menu, i like meat on my plate but i dont want to be the meat on the plate if you know what i mean.

the original alien screamed something and everyone went silent, she stood there for a few seconds and then started saying things to them. the elder one said something in reply but i think she got shot down? i know she didnt seem happy but didnt say another word. alien girl one kept talking and from time to time she would point to me. occasionally she would smile at me and kind of nod or bow a lil in my direction. like a fucking moron i just stood there and smiled and waved.

eventually she approached each one in turn and said something very softly. even if i knew their language i wouldnt have heard what she said but each nodded at her and then smiled at me and sat down. once she got the sixth one to sit she smled at me and walked towards me. as she did i noticed her hair moved on its own? it moved to her backside so i now saw her full frontally nude. to my surprised she just came up and kissed me right on the lips. i was in shock, first shes nude then shes kissing me?? she kissed me a second time and i admit i kind of kissed back. she slipped her tongue into my mouth and OMG was it good!!

then the biggest shock of the day came, she spoke and i understood.

"Hi John, im nera and id like to welcome you to my home. please dont be alarmed by our ears and tail, lol we wont bite unless you want us to."

"uummmmmm," i just noticed they looked like what the japanese call neko girls. and then i noticed Nera was smiling and looking at my erection.

captains logDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora