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Helloooooooo!~ I'm back and I'm sorry I have not posted since last year. Anyways, I changed my mind about how I'm going to make them escape their village. So,~~NARU-CHAN~~, disclaimers please.

Naru: Neko-chan does not own anything but the plot.

Y'all know what each sign mean, let's get into this.


Naruto woke up and seen that all of his wounds have been healed. 'Morning kit', Kurama said. 'Mornin Kura-kun', Naru replied. Naruto looked around the forest he was in and decided to start exploring it. He started walking through the forest when he came across a clearing with beautiful flowers and a bunch of animals.(The photo at the top but with a bunch of animals added in.)The animals looked up at him. He looked back. They had a staring contest. Naruto blinked and extended his hand slowly to not scare the animals away. The closest animal to him was a fox kit which slowly went to his hand. The kit sniffed his hand before pushing its head into his palm. Naruto started petting it before a smile appeared on his face. The other animals started to make their way to him before sniffing and rubbing against his legs. Naruto sat down so that they could lay on his lap. 'Kit, I can alter your vocals and brain so that you can understand and talk to the animals around you. You can still switch back to talking like a human if needed. Would you like that?' 'Yes please, Kura-kun! Thank you!' Kurama started working on his vocals while Naruto kept playing with the animal. 'Done. Test it out kit.' Naruto tested it out and said,"Hello." The animals blinked before saying,"Hello."
The tiger cub in his lap asked,"Where did you come from and why do you smell like a fox?" "I came form the village near here. They tried to kill me for something I have no control over. As for why I smell like a fox, that's the thing I have no control over. I have the nine-tails sealed in me." Naruto had a sad face with tears gathering in the corner of his eyes. The older animals were angry at the fact that humans can not tell the difference between the Kyuubi and the boy and tried to kill the boy. One of the older animals, a female deer, softly asked,"Where are your parents?" "My parent don't care for me. They neglected me almost my whole entire life. I wouldn't be surprised if they kick me out of the clan and the family." Naruto has a few tears sliding down his face. The older animals anger went through the roof at this. They would have rampaged through the village if it wasn't for the fact that the older humans can kill them and their younger ones. The animals snuggled into Naruto to comfort him and whispered soothing words to him. The deer said,"If you'd like, you can stay here with us. Would do you all think?" All the animals agreed, they were just waiting for Naruto's decision. "I think you should go for it kit." "I know. I'm going to say yes but I'm still going to have to go back to the house for my stuff and my birthday is today." "Right." Naruto said,"I will join you all but I'm still going to have to go back to the village for my stuff and protection." The animals cheered but the deer asked,"Protection from what?" "Remember when I said the villagers try to hurt me because they think I'm the Kyuubi, it would be worse on my birthday. I don't want to endanger you all here for that." The animals understood even though they want him here for his birthday. The deer said,"Now that that's settled, it's time for you to meet the Kage of this forest. Come this way." Naruto followed the deer as she lead the way. They came across a den with no lighting. The deer called out,"Kage, I have a human child in need of your assistance." "Why does a human child need my assistance?" The deer told the Kage Naruto's story. "I see. You are welcomed here anytime child." He stepped into the light and said,"My name is Kasai and I am the Kage of this country's forest."


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