My life sucks! (Naruto's Version)

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NekoRedAngel: Yo, NekoRedAngel here. This is my first story,sooooo yeah. Please no flamming and tell if you want me to continue. So introducing naruto.
Naruto: Yo! NekoRedAngel does not own Naruto or Kuroko no basket but she does own the plot.
NekoRedAngel:Also that's how Naruto looks at the top and I do not own the photo.

'What' thinking
"Yo" talking
'Kill' Bijuu thinking
"Chakra" Bijuu talking
~Narutos pov~ changing povs/scenery                                                          

'Okay' telepathic conversation.        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A young boy that's 5 years old with blonde hair that's close to gold, three whisker marks on each cheek, tattered clothes, and tan skin can be seen running down the streets of Konoha at night. What is the boys name and why is he running from down the street? I'll tell you. His name is Naruto Namikaze-Uzumaki and he is running away from the villagers. He knows why they are chasing him but all he can do is to run, run as fast as he can away from the villagers.

~Naruto's pov~
'Shit,shit,shit' I cursed in my head. I turned a corner, only to be met with a dead end.
"Got you you little demon", a villager said.
The villagers starting hiting and kicking me.
"S-s-stop.......please."I begged/whimpered.
"NO! I will make you feel the same pain I went through when you killed my family!!"a shinobi exclaimed while tacking a kunai out and stabbing me. Then, like wildfire, everybody else took out anything sharp and started stabbing/cutting me. They even poisoned the kunai. They kept hitting, kicking, stabbing, and poisoning me until I passed out.

~Naruto's mind~

'Did they just throw me in the sewers?' I think, then look around. 'Definitely the sewers' I confirmed. I started walking to who knows where. Then, I saw these bars that had to be higher than 20 feet. I suddenly saw two big red eyes with slitted pupils. I thought they look nice.
~ 3rd person pov~
"My jalior finally decides to visit me" Kyuubi said. "So you were sealed inside of me" Naruto said sadly. "You knew?" Kyuubi asked surprised. "Of course, I am not in idiot. Plus, it was not hard to connect the dots" Naruto said. "Also I was thinking if we can be friends? Please?" Naruto says shyly while looking at the water covered ground. Kyuubi was shocked beyond words then his eyes softened. "Sure kit. Also, I'm sorry for all the pain I have caused you. I was controlled by that dam Uchiha" Kyuubi said sadly but growled at the last part. "It's okay. It's not exactly your fault and the villagers should see the difference between a container and its tailed beasts like a kunai and its scroll especially the shinobis. But, I guess they are all just too stupid." Naruto said matter-of-factly. "Also, what is your name? I doubt it's the Kyuubi." Kyuubi was in a little bit in awe of the explanation and once again shocked at the question because no one has ever asked for his name besides the Sage of the Sixth Paths. 'This kid is full of surprises' Kyuubi thought. "My name is Kurama, kit" the now named Kurama said. Then all of sudden Nauto starts to fade. Naruto starts to panic and said "What's happening!?" "Kit, calm down. You are just waking up. Don't worry, I will still be here when you wake up and we will be able to speak telepathically when you wake up" Kurama says calming Naruto down. "Ok" Naruto says unsurely. Then, Naruto was gone.

~ back in the real world~

Naruto woke up in the alley he was beaten in. Most of his cuts were healed but the poisen in his system is slowing down his healing processes so he still has some small cuts. Naruto gets up slowly and starts to limp to the Uzamaki-Namikaze compound.                                                   

 ~at the compound~ 

Naruto rung the doorbell. the door opened and revealed it to be Kushina who opened it. "WHERE  THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN, DO YOU KNOW HOW LATE IT IS?!?!" Kushina yelled. Naruto was terrified and answered, "T-t-t-h-h-e-e v-villagers b-b-e-eat me." Right after he said that, Kushina slapped him hard. Naruto fell to the ground and held the blacking bruise that's forming on his cheek. "WHY ARE YOU LIEING?!?!? THE VILLAGERS WOULD NEVER DO THAT?!?" Kushina yelled again. "B-b-but" Naruto tried to say but Kushina had enough and shut the door in his face. Naruto got up and limped to the door (cause he still isn't healed from the beating earlier) and tried to open it but found it locked. 'Kit, are you okay?!' Kurama asked. 'No, my family basically disowns me and I get beat by the villigars everyday. Kurama, I am so tired of this.' Naruto says sadly  and is about to cry. 'It's okay kit. I will I always be here for you. Now, go find a quite place and rest.' Kurama said softly. 'Thank you Kurama.' Naruto says. Naruto limps to the woods near Konoha. Naruto found the perfect place far in Konoha's forests where no one can find him. Naruto lays his tired and still injured body down. 'Goodnight Kurama' Naruto says/thought sleepily. 'Goodnight kit' Kurama answered. Naruto fell asleep. Kurama thought, 'If only my kit had a better life.' Suddenly, Kurama's eyes went wide and at that moment(sorry, I couldn't help myself x) ) he knew one of his siblings thought the same thing and he knew exactly which one. 'Maybe I can contact him and we could meet up. Maybe his container could be a great help to kit's loneliness' Kurama thought. 'After all, if he thought the same thing I just thought then his container's life might just be like kit's life.' and oh, how right he was.   
NekoRedAngel: Alright. Thank you for reading and please no flaming. Naru-chan can you please come out here?
Naruto: What do you need?  Also, please don't call me that.
NekoRedAngel: Can you please do the disclaimer?
Naruto: Fine, NekoRedAngel does not own anything but the plot.
NekoRedAngel: Also, who do you think the person Kurama was talking about was?
Naruto: I don't know but I can't wait to meet him and his container.

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