Blind date

855 24 5

Waiter-can I get u started of with something drink?

John-ill just have a water thank u

Watermelondrea-y'all niggas hiring or nahh?

Waiter-e-excuse me?

Watermelondrea-I said y'all niggas hiring or nahh

Waiter-I don't understand

Watermelondrea-what did I did I STUTTER?

John-please excuse her

Watermelondrea-um nigga do not excuse me I can excuse my goddamn self please and have a motherfuckin seat thank u excuse this dick

Waiter-I'm dont quite understand what's going on here

Watermelondrea-u speak English or nahh


Watermelondrea-Hablo Englis my Nìggå

Waiter-excuse me?

John-she'll just take a water to

Watermelondrea-Nigga don't u ever in yo motherfuckin life order some basic ass shit like that for me u wanted a basic bitch u should've took yo ass to Craig's list

Waiter-I'll just bring 2 waters

Watermelondrea-um negative what u gone bring is water for this basic ass nigga and 5 shots of patron for me

Waiter-hmm that kinda night huh?

Watermelondrea-it's always that kinda night where u been at my nigga?

Waiter-sorry I am not a "nigga" thank u

Watermelondrea-aw u one of them niggas excuse my language sir I didn't apprehend that u seem to have dis remembered that u are black


Watermelondrea-FUCK U CALL ME??

John-we'll take the drinks now thank u

Waiter walks away to get the drinks

Watermelondrea-PURE IGNORANCE RIGHT ppl ain't got no class these days just ratchet

John-u got uh quite the mouth on u huh?

Watermelondrea-mhm and u got quite the broke nigga on u I can smell that US polo nigga assassinate yoself cologne from over here

John-it's Armani thank u

Watermelondrea-oh where u get it dollar general

John-I got it from maceys

Watermelondrea-*cough* Salvation Army. So what u do for a living?

John-I'm an accountant.and speaking of the Salvation Army what clearly got what u r wearing from there u look different in person

Watermelondrea-fuck u mean?

John-well for starters your picture in eharmony isn't u

Watermelondrea-fuck I talkin bout?

*john shows her the picture*

Watermelondrea-aw nah that's me back in the cut I just gained a lil weight

John-and a little color

Watermelondrea-Nigga what?

John-and I'm guessing your name isn't any either

Watermelondrea-nah it's watermelondrea

John-hm classy

Watermelondrea-what is u Trynna be funny or nah?

*waiter comes back*

Waiter-water for u sir and 5 shots of patron for the hood rat

Watermelondrea-fuck u just say?

Waiter-u guys ready to order?

John-give us a couple minutes


*he walks away*

Watermelondrea-did that nigga just say gladly?SI FUCKIN DISRESPECTFUL

John-don't take this the wrong way but..what's your problem?

Watermelondrea-nigga what?

John-y r u soo uptight?

Watermelondrea-a.k.a ratchet asf

John-that too

Watermelondrea-shidd a bitch just been hurt too many times these niggas ain't shit

John-I'm not another one of "these niggas"

Watermelondrea-funny! That's what the last nigga said before he cheated on me with his brother. But enough about me what's your problem?

John-excuse me?

Watermelondrea-I might look stupid..I might sound stupid..hell I may be stupid but I can read people real well.. I can see it in ya eyes that u ain't happy.

John-I have a confession to make

Watermelondrea-damn u gay ain't u?

John-wha-wha-whattt noooooo haha


John-tbh I'm not completely over my ex


John-yea I-I miss her but I don't want her I certainly don't need her.... But I can't lie I hope she misses me to...even though I think about her a couple times a day I don't I don't feel anything I hope she misses me to..but I hope she feels something..she did me dirty u kno..I just want justice..I want her to feel how she made me I was nothing. And like everything we created was nothing

Watermelondrea-u KO what that's cool and all is that we often fail to realize is that anything that was created can be destroyed*snaps* like that and it ain't shit we can do about it.. And u wanting "justice" ain't nun but u holding on to what u done already lost let it go..the only"justice u should want us justice for yourself.. Respect yourself to kno that u deserve better and love yourself enough to find better.. She out there somewhere u just gotta stop chasing and let the right women chase u

John-are u implying that u are the right woman?

Watermelondrea-tbh u seem like a nice guy and all but u look like yu gotta baby dick so ima go ahead and answer question with an "or nahh*

*waiter comes back*

Waiter-so are we ready to order?

Watermelondrea-nigga do it look like we ready to order?

Waiter-u know what ion get paid enough for this shit I quit *takes off work apron*

Watermelondrea-good take ya broke ass to mcdonalds I heard they hiring BITCH NIGGAS

Waiter-and take yo ass to family dollar I heard they hiring FATHER-LESS HOES

Watermelondrea-bishhh whett??

Waiter-knock knock bitch?

Watermelondrea-who der?

Waiter-yo edges

*watermelondrea shoots the waiter*


Watermelondrea-u ain't see shit...I wish I wish with all my heart... To fly with the ratchets in a hood apart*snaps and disappears*

John-did that bitch just quote dragon tales??

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