I woke up feeling better than ever, I wasn't at all tired. I threw my bed spread off myself and leapt out into the hallway, humming as I walked down the steps. Then I noticed it the deep claw marks on the stairwell wall. I placed my fingers on the indent. "Mom?" I asked cautiously. There was no answer. I ran over the house calling out for her but no answer. She was probably at work, I thought. Then the least expected happened a low growl came from behind me. I slowly turned to look in the kitchen and that's when I saw the terrible beast starring back at me. It let out another low growl. I had to get out, run. I grabbed the vase beside me and threw it at the beast, then as fast as I could I ran to thefront door. I heard glass behind me breaking as the beast came after me. I fumbled to open the door...come on! COME ON!!!! My mind was screaming. I finally opened the door and slammed it in the wolf's face.

I let out a sigh. Once I opened my eyes and let them adjust the the bright morning sun I realized I had not escaped the wolf, there was another right in front of me. A creepy feeling entered my system and before I could react the wolf pounced on me sinking its claws into my fresh skin like a pin in a pin cushion. The blood trickled down my body, it was going to finish the job it didn't finish last time. I wanted to scream out "do it! finish me off! kill me!" But I knew there was no use, it wouldn't understand me and it already was going to do it.

I woke up drenched in my sweat, my heart beat racing and bursting out of my chest, The truth was that I still was scared to walk home by myself. When the moon was out I wanted to be home hiding under a pillow, I wanted to feel safe inside my home but I never did. I knew a wolf could knock down my front door and come kill me, (it was highly unrealistic but still) I feared being attacked again. I knew that it would most likely never happen again but I was still afraid.


Should I tell her? No it would just ruin things, but would I be selfish and not tell her just to protect myself? If I told her she would never speak to me again, she would leave, be afraid. But that's not what I want I just want her to know the truth that it was an accident and that it was me. I would never let it happen again but I would need to be careful. Ohh and about the others that she was the....no maybe it's best not to tell her. Protect yourself and protect her....


(Rosa's pov)

It was around twelve when Trent came over, he was sitting outside on the front porch. He still won't tell me where we are going, the only thing I knew was that we were driving around in a car. "So are you going to tell me what we are doing?" I asked.

"What you don't like my pro driving skills?" He asked laughing.

"No I love them, but I was just wondering what else we were going to be doing?" I said.

Trent pulled up to the local book store and smiled. "We're here." He said climbing out the car and opening mine.

"So you want to show me books?" I laughed and just followed him into the book store.

"Hello, welcome." Said the clerk and Trent nodded.

"Come on, I'll show you my favourite section." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me through stacks and stacks of books. We finally passed a sign above that read "Shakespeare." So he was the poet type, that was sexy. He looked back at me a smiled as if I said it aloud. "Here we are." He said pulling a dusty book off the shelf.

"Trent?" I began.

He shushed me and began to read,

"Love is a smoke made with the fumes of sighs;

Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers' eyes;

Being vexed, a sea nourished with lovers' tears;

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