Chapter 4 : Fight to Evolve

Start from the beginning

As for the goblins, I think they didn't have the concept of language, they communicate with gestures and roar of their own. I didn't know about higher level goblins, but I think that low-level goblin didn't use language to communicate. Maybe because of that, my cheat didn't translate it for me.

After the beautiful fox ate the herbs, her face was warped because of the bitterness. I put more apples in front of her and told her to eat it, the beautiful fox ate the apples with relish. While she was eating, I chewed a Kousu and Braldi herb and pasted the chewed herbs on her wound, I appraised her while doing that.

"[Appraise] level up!"
"New content has been added."

Name : unnamed
Species : Frost Fox (Rare)
Type : Beast
Sex : Female
Rank : 01
LV : 031/100
HP : 09/46
MP : 02/90
STM : 22/54
ATK : 10
DEF : 09
MGC : 29
MND : 25
DEX : 13
AGL : 15

Oh, I can see her status! I guess, this is the effect of the level up. Wow, a mage! A fox ice mage! I want to see her skills! I wonder if she had [Cocytus] or [Nefelheim], that would be so badass! Her Status..... is this high or not for her level? Now that I think of it, I didn't know the average status for rank 01 monsters. Oh well, I'll find out eventually. Now, for her race.

Frost Fox

A race of fox that had the gift for ice magic. Social animals that live in a place that cold and buried by snow all year round, their herd are lead by the strongest female frost fox, a matriarch. Protective of their young offsprings, they will tear apart anything that harms or threaten their offsprings. A smart creature. An omnivore but prefer meat over anything else. Their eternally cold fangs and nails can be forge into a good ice element weapon. Their fur is warm on cold days and cool on hot days. Meat and organs have an anti-aging and beautifying effect. A highly sought monster.

...... I hope a herd of Frost Fox won't suddenly come and attack me. That aside, something strange. If these guys live in cold places, then why was this beautiful fox here? I mean, this place is far from being cold, it's more like a tropical jungle here. And how could she be wounded? From her level, I think she was still a young fox, then wasn't her herd supposed to be very protective of her? Why was she alone and even being chased by the goblins? Was she separated from her herd? Why was she here in the first place?

My head was full of questions and speculation. When I snapped out, I found out that I had finished treating her and the beautiful fox was already sleeping. The edge of my mouth unconsciously rose when I saw her peaceful sleeping face. After observing her for a minute, I look at my status to check the result from the fight with the goblins.

Name : unnamed
Species : Fire Kitten (Common)
Type : Beast
Sex : Male
Rank : 01
LV : 073/100
HP : 20/50
MP : 05/05
STM : 015/150
ATK : 23
DEF : 25
MGC : 1
MND : 20
DEX : 5
AGL : 20

Points : 114

Active Skills :
Appraise LV04
Fire Breath LV02
Fire Clad LV03
Intimidation LV03
Fire Ball LV04
Fire Claw LV03
Fire Burst LV01
Stealth LV01
Dismantling LV01

Passive Skills :
Languages comprehension LVMAX
Pyrokinesis LV01
Dominate LV01

Resistance Skills :
Heat Nullification LVMAX
Poison resistance LV02
Paralyze resistance LV01

Title :
Harem seeker

Damn! My active skills grew up a lot! Other than [Fire Breath], everything grew a level! [Fire Ball] even grew two levels! Very nice! And my level rose to 73! Hahahaha, I'm so close to max level! I wonder what will I evolve to. My excitement kept rising, it rose even more when I saw the over 100 stats point. Now how to distribute this...

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