Little Lion Man

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*one more  d e a t h  one and then a klance one I promise*
Others would argue it was stupid, but Lance would take that blast of lightning for Keith any day. Even if it resulted in what seemed like endless torture.
"No, no, please." Lance's pleas were weak and almost inaudible. It had only been moments ago that Haggar blasted him, but it felt like hours. He felt the armor on his chest crack open at another hit and purple lightning, which had thrown him across the room.
"Your mind is dark, young one. Don't you want me to rid you of your misery?" Haggar's shadow loomed over him.
"N-no. this..." Lance was in so much pain, his mind felt heavy and every thought seemed to weigh a pound each. He could almost see his teammates fighting around him, but not enough to know who was who.
"Then how, paladin? More pain?" She blasted him again, which sent a blood curdling cry to ring throughout the room. Haggar laughed at his cries. She waved her arms to create a giant bubble around her and Lance. "Leave! Let the other paladin's watch as I destroy this one." Haggar barked at the fleet which the others had been fending off. Voices were muffled to Lance now, his vision blinded by pain. The only thing on his mind was that maybe leaving Shiro back with Coran was a bad idea.
On the outside of the bubble, the paladins watched as Haggar continued to strike him, each time his body move in an awkward direction.
"Every time we hit the bubble, it grows weaker, but then she just blasts him more!" Hunk whined. Inside the translucent bubble, Lance's chest plate was gone and you could see skin. His face was strained and his eyes were closed for the most part, but when they did open tears pored out and they were so red you could easily see from wearing the paladins were standing because of his helmet being knocked off.
"Team! What's happening?" Shiro's voice rang through the helmets.
"It's Lance, Shiro. The witch has him." Keith's voice was firm, but there was hints of fear in each word. "He's hurt real bad, I don't know how much more he can take. Every time we try to get to him, the worse she hurts him."
"Lance is strong. He'll make it," But Shiro's voice sounded unsure. "Just focus on getting him out of there. We need you all safe." But then the coms cut off.
It was only a few more attacks at Lance that Haggar undid the bubble. Levitating Lance slightly in between her and the paladins, Lance could be seen slowly opening his bloodshot eyes.
"He'll be dead within one Earth hour. Unless," A creepy smirk could be seen under the purple hood. "You give me the lions."
"What?" Pidge spat at her.
"If you value the life of this one, you will hand over Voltron." Haggar confirmed.
"N-no...don't..." Lance said weakly.
"Quiet!" Haggar let her hand down quickly, resulting in Lance falling to the ground with a thud. He felt thin arms support him. There was a mix of pink and black staring down at him, which he realized was Allura.
"...'llura? Don't..." Lance stirred.
"Hush. We're going to heal you." Her voice was calm and tender, a lot like the way his older sister used to talk to him. "Don't move, your chest has been sliced open. I don't know what she's done to you just yet. It's all purple. Just stay awake, Lance." Now that she said it, even more pain flooded his body. He coughed and squeezed his eyes shut, cringing slightly at the blood on his tongue. Allura wrapped her arms around him tightly as the others stepped protectively around them.
"I see what you've chosen. He is weak. Only the weak sacrifice themselves. You are stronger than I thought for not handing over the lions for one boy. I see that now." Haggar growled.
"He is not weak," Keith said venomously. "He is stronger than any of us." Haggar just laughed.
"You really are foolish." And then she was gone. The paladins waited a moment, in case of a surprise attack.
"We need to get him to a pod-"
"Keith," Allura started.
"He doesn't have much time-"
"Why are you all just-"
"Keith." It was Allura's emotion in her voice that caught Keith's attention. When he looked down, Allura had taken her helmet off and tears were streaming down her face. Keith was confused until he saw Lance. He chest was covered in purple blood, but it had stopped flowing, his head was tilted back and his mouth was open slightly.
"He's not..." Hunk started.
"He...he is." Allura choked out through her tears. Pidge was speechless, just making space squeaks. Hunk bit his lip slightly, making little sobbing noises with every breath.
"No, no. He can't be," Keith whispered. "He can't be. That...that was supposed to be me." Keith swallowed back a sob. Allura cradled Lance, pushing his hair back slightly. Keith fell his his knees in front of them. "You can't be dead, you idiot."

Hunk was too upset to carry Lance, so Keith did. He cried while doing it too. His face was emotionless, but the tears still fell down his face. Hunk carried the red lion back while Keith laid Lance down on floor in the cockpit.
Keith didn't talk to anyone for a week.

He wears Lance's jacket now.

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