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whilst the man was busy drawing a beautiful portrait of his dog, riley busied herself with making a fresh pot of coffee and bringing it over to him. once she sat down and poured him a cup, he immediately took a sip and looked up at her,
"you are an angel," he said, she laughed lightly,
"i just poured you a coffee," she disagreed,
"exactly. an angel," she looked away from him and smiled, he continued putting the finishing touches on his drawing. "a-ha!" he grinned, making her jump slightly, "done," he said as he swivelled the notepad towards riley,
"oh, my god," she gasped as she looked at the drawing. through the mess of ink she could see fur, so much fur, large eyes and a big happy tail, "this is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen," she thought she was going to cry, "i am going to treasure this with my life and frame it and pray to it during my deepest times of despair,"
"thank you," the man said,
"what's it's name?"
"poco," he smiled, riley's heart combusted and she squeaked slightly as she clutched her chest,
"i have never felt more blessed,"
"just wait till you meet her, she is the sweetest. she brings everyone tea towel's once they walk into my house," he was smiling so widely, so was riley, it was clear his dog was like a child to him,
"i'm already in love." riley continued to smile at his drawing, "hey, what's the time?" she asked quickly as she realised that the fluorescent lights were the only things making the diner bright,
"7:43," he said as he lifted his sleeve slightly to look at his watch, "do you need to get home?"
"wh- no, it's fine," she smiled up at him, he lifted the corners of his lips in a small smile too, "do you?"
"no," he shook his head, "i could do with another milkshake," he smiled, riley immediately grinned at the thought of free range at the milkshake bar. she quickly stood up and made her way over to the counter when she realised that he wasn't following,
"you coming?" she said gesturing towards the kitchen, it wasn't long until he had stretched out and was walking towards her. once they made it into the kitchen she turned on her heel and faced him, not quite realising how close they were until her nose bumped against his shoulder, "oop," she gasped, he let out a small chuckle and she was quick to continue, "full disclosure," she began, "i've been working here for two years," she turned on her heel and grabbed a metal cup off the bench and placed it next to the milkshake machine, "and i've never made a milkshake before,"
"how?" he asked, bewildered,
"john is very," she paused trying to think of the correct word, "protective... over his milkshake recipes, so we're just going to have to wing it," she smiled, he nodded,
"so we have free range over this whole kitchen," he said gesturing to the large space they occupied, "to create something this world has never seen before,"
"let's make the world's best milkshake."

the diner - harry styles (short story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن