The Night (Written at Day) -- by LO and SF

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I love how the night encompasses me.
It covers and fills me, holds me up
And though I have no wings to lift me,
I still may fly free,
For the night encompasses me.

I love how the night shelters me.
It rains, it thunders, it hails, it storms,
It wets my skin and pelts my face
Yet not a thing can touch my soul
For the night shelters me.

I love how the night does not judge me.
I can spin and twirl in a joyful dance
And sing to my heart's content
And though the night is watching, I cannot care
For the night does not judge me.

I am the night.
I am the flicker of intricate shadows
I am the fluttering touch of moonlight
As it shapes the world anew.

I am the night.
I am a world of silence
And though fires light me and people disrupt me
I am a world of darkness.

I am the night.
I am a world of freedom and expression
A world of the sky and a world of flight
I am a world of stars.

Joint poem by LO (LynxandOreo) and SF (SpeakerForTheFrost )
This can also be found in SF's book Two Shades of a Shattered Heart since we wrote it together.

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