Chapter 89: Kiss the waves

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After dropping Aaron back at the hotel Zak, Rufus and I hit the road. The Great Ocean road that is. A 249 mile stretch of road on the south coast of Australia with stunning beaches, cliffs, rock formations and wildlife. It didn't take too long for Zak to cotton on to where we were off to and he couldn't contain his excitement. I'm not sure who was the more restless passenger, him or Rufus. I don't tell him any of my plans for the next couple of days, taking all control out of his hands for once. From his constant questioning I can tell that this makes him slightly anxious but I refuse to divulge any information.

"I told you! We're on a magical mystery tour, sit back, relax and enjoy the ride." I smile at him as I take my time navigating the winding coastal road.

"I just want to know what we'll be doing, I don't know if I've packed the right things. What if I don't like it?" He worries as he flicks through my phone trying to find some music to listen to, I had thought putting him in charge of the music may appease him at least a little.

"Hon, just trust me. You're going to love it. If you need something we can buy it, I know we're right at the bottom of the planet but we still have shops!" I try to reassure him. "Seriously Zak, look out there, its stunning! Take it in and chill, when was the last time you took some time out like this?"

"I can't remember." He mumbles.

"Exactly! We've got about half an hour until our first stop so quit fretting will you?" I smile again as Rufus snuffles in Zak's ear from the back seat. Seemingly placated by my little tid bit of information and Rufus' well timed attention he picks some X Ambassadors to listen to and proceeds to snap some of the journey. Happy that he was finally able to let go a little I let myself enjoy the drive.

I was sure he must have realised our first destination from the road signs but I wasn't sure he knew the significance of it. We both gasped in awe as we breached the crest of the hill and saw the panorama before us.

"Welcome to Bells Beach." I exhale, I knew of it, had seen it on TV even but I was not prepared for how breathtakingly beautiful it was.

" I exhale, I knew of it, had seen it on TV even but I was not prepared for how breathtakingly beautiful it was

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'Why do I know that name?" Zak asks me.

"Maybe the famous surf competition that's held here ever year?" I knew that probably wasn't it.

"No,I wasn't aware of that."

"Oh then maybe cos its only the friggin beach that Patrick Swayze surfs to his death from in the film Point Break!" I drop the bomb.

"No way!" Zak gapes at me and back at the beach laid out below at the bottom of the cliff where I had just parked.

'Way dude." I answer with my best surfer impression.

"That's awesome." He grins, I was happy that I had gotten it right about him finding this kind of thing interesting.

"Gnarly dude!" I laugh as he rolls his eyes at me.

"Idiot." He chuckles, I just laugh a little harder.

Grabbing Rufus' leash we bundle out of the car and trot down the steps leading to the sand below. As we reach the beach I unclip Rufus and he bounds off exploring the smells, digging in the sand and playing chicken with the waves. Watching him play on the beach was one of my favourite things. I took a few photos of Rufus and sneaked a couple of Zak as he walked ahead of me. The overcast day, buffeting wind and crashing waves made for some great shots. Zak was wearing a black jacket with grey scarf, black pants and boots. His hands dug deep in his pockets he hid his mouth in the scarf and his gel couldn't keep up with the Artic wind so his hair was a spiked mess atop of his head, I couldn't help but stare at him, he was beautiful.

 His hands dug deep in his pockets he hid his mouth in the scarf and his gel couldn't keep up with the Artic wind so his hair was a spiked mess atop of his head, I couldn't help but stare at him, he was beautiful

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"Are you going to stop staring anytime soon and come and join me?" He eventually called over. I grinned as I slung my camera around my neck and pulled my leather jacket closer around me. I hid my hands up my sleeves, protecting them from the cold and jogged over to join him. In my flat soled boots he towered over me, he flung his arm over my shoulder and with my arm around his waist we strolled along the shoreline after Rufus who was busy chasing seagulls.

"So? Happy?" I ask him after a few minutes.

"You have no idea, this is amazing, just what I needed. Thank you sweetie." I reach up and kiss his cold, stubble roughened cheek.

"We've only just got started." I promise him and he flashes me the most beautiful smile. We stop at a rocky outcrop and watch the waves rolling in and the lone surfer who was braving the elements to catch the perfect wave. Rufus lay panting at our feet having scared off the gulls for now. I turn to Zak and slip my hands inside his open jacket and taking him by the waist I pull him towards me. His cold hands on my face cause me to breathe in sharply but the shock is soon forgotten as he places his lips on mine. He's tentative at first, testing how his lips mould to mine, I let him lead and a sigh leaves my lips as he presses against me and brings a hand to the back of my head. Taking the opportunity his tongue flickers over my parted lips and without thinking I allow him full access. I taste the salt on his lips as my tongue meets his and our kiss becomes deeper. I moan as his tongue dances with mine, writhing sensuously, he draws back slightly and sucks my lower lip into his mouth, his teeth grazing over the sensitive skin as he pulls away. He is back within a second his mouth invading mine once more, his movements becoming more urgent, he places his hand on my ass and pulls me into him grinding against me, a groan rumbles deep in his chest as I return the gesture, nibbling his lip, running my tongue over his soft skin. I lose track of time, the crashing of the waves not even registering, the cold forgotten as my heated blood pumps through my veins.

Eventually we part and I meet Zak's eyes as we both pant heavily. Not a word needs to be said. His eyes, pools of grey, navy, green and gold tell me all I need to know, the intensity of his gaze conveying every emotion that I was feeling, I only hoped my own eyes mirrored what I saw in his.

With one more gentle kiss we turned and climbed back up the cliff steps to the car. With a warm drink each and a new beanie hat for Zak from the kiosk cafe and a good rub down for Rufus we buckle up and continue with our journey. We said nothing, we didn't need to, everything we wanted to say was being said in a simple touch or shared glance.

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