~Confusing the Romance Archives~

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Pulling into an open spot and setting my car to park, I hop out, grabbing my bag behind me. I tread towards the university I attend, a smile growing on my face with every bouncy footstep I take.

Summer break is finally over. I cheer in my mind, putting my right foot upon the first of many stairs. Back to college it is!
Working my way up to the entrance, I begin to question my sanity, giggling while thinking about how I'm the only person who thinks that.

"I know everyone is going to have superb little stories to tell about their break," I sigh as I rest my hand on the door. "And all I did was lay around and watch TV. I really need some excitement in my life."
Shrugging at the lack of interest in my own mini life-story, I enter the building, seeing the grand halls I have grown accustom to over the past three years. Evaluating how I am going to finish off my final year of college, a voice interrupts with the words; "Hey, (Name)!"

I jump, stopping a loud scuff of annoyance. I wasn't a big fan of this idiot.
Idiot is actually an understatement...

"Hello Derick." I reply swiftly, holding back my tongue. Clearly agitated, I turn on my heel, venturing to escape the attention of him.

Derick is an arrogant and foolish brunette (his hair is decently long) with hazel eyes. He's tall, probably 6'1", and has an ego the size of the sun. Probably bigger, actually.

Today, he's wearing a shining black leather jacket, and blue jeans. He is cute, but it is his personality that people don't like.
Derick is snobby, selfish, clingy, etc.
And he chose me to prance around.

I turn and walk down the closest hallway, hoping to evade the unavoidable conversation. Derick, I completely forgot how bothersome you are.

He catches up to me, walking evenly with my pace. "What, are you not happy to see your man?" Derick questions, smirking.
My trudging comes to a sudden stop and I turn to face him. "First of all," I warn, an unwelcoming tone leaving my throat. "You are not my man."
I step forward, giving him a forced smile. "Second, you are no man. All I see is a boy."
That irritates him a bit, so I feel somewhat proud.
I have to seal my lips shut to avoid laughing at the vain that pops out of his forehead.

"Starting your final year on a rough note, huh (Last Name)?" Derick growls, his cross expression making me raise an eyebrow. He inhales sharply, calming himself. "That's fine; you'll come 'round eventually."
I roll my (Eye Color) hues, feeling the little patience I had disappear. "No fucking way. I'd rather kiss a frog."
Derick turns around, calling behind him as he slowly walks away, "Don't do that, baby, you already have me!"
I resist the urge to give him the finger as his hazel eyes watch my form, instead of where he is going. He fades from my line of sight, and I spin around, mocking his words under my breath. Not paying much attention, I headbutt someone, wincing at the sudden contact.

I bring my hand to my forehead, rubbing the possible bruise profusely, while asking, "Oh shit, sorry, I didn't see you. Are you okay?"

"I'm good, girl!" Came the familiar reply of a certain someone I missed so much.
It is my best friend, Donna Helms.

She's a petite African American, but she's got the attitude of a lioness. Her brown bob-cut hair was bleached blonde at the tips, and it curls.
Her brown crystal eyes have a 'no nonsense' look in them, and her smile is friendly enough. She's wearing a black and white striped shirt with black skinny jeans today.

"Oh thank God!" I cry, making the women in front of me concerned. "It's you, De, I can't deal with anymore idiots today."
Donna's smile becomes a scowl in a flash, and she searches the area. "Who's messing with my best friend?!"
I fold my arms over my chest, scuffing and replying, "The asshole Derick, as usual..."
Donna kicks at the tile flooring angrily. "That guy really won't take no for an answer, huh?" Clutching her backpack straps, she sighs as I shake my head no.
We begin walking towards our early class without saying anything, listening to the words of those around us. Out of nowhere, I snap, "I am so done with guys from this damn school."
Donna turns her head towards me with a questioning look. "And what do you mean by that?"
"I mean, that everyone is so disrespectful and childish. There is a cute one here and there, but I want a real man. One who can sweep me off my feet, or warm my heart at the worst of times; a guy who is mature about life and understands compassion!" I rant on like this is a speech.
Donna shrugs, calmly stating, "Haven't you been looking for a boyfriend for a while now? Maybe your expectations are a tad too high."

Biting the Forbidden Fruit Professor!Markiplier x Student!Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن