Ch1 - The first morning

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Sleep was pretty much nonexistent last night and let me tell you why...IM GOING TO A CONVENTION! Which terrifies me cause of how many people are going to be there, also that I'm going alone, and taking two planes. But... I'm going to be meeting two of my absolute favorite Youtubers, Markiplier, and Jacksepticeye. Now you see why I didn't sleep last night?

The convention isn't for two more days, but I'll be out for a week, just hanging out around LA. My stomach gets butterflies just thinking about it.

Currently it is fucking one am... Cause i wanted to fly at night...or now early had better be clear up there. The flight is at three thirty something. But I need to be there at least a half an hour, to an hour before take off. Yea yea I know I can just hear ya...'but you don't really neeeeed to do'll be sitting there waiting if you did.' Yes I know I might. But I've had a way too close encounter with a suddenly early flight that I was a second to missing...not doing that again!

I'm double checking my bags, making sure I have everything I need. Though I've been packed and ready to go for almost a week now. Is that bad? I don't know. But I don't care! I'm so happy and exited!

"(Yn) ! Come on we got to go!" Its my mom, she pokes her head in my door and laughs. "What are you doing with the suitcases? I thought you were done parking last week!"

"Oh whatever...we going now?"

"If you don't wanna miss your two am flight..." She makes a fake yawn.

I laugh. "I really wanted to fly at night! Its so pretty up there!"

"Yea...if you don't puke..." She smiles.

"That happens after the flight... Not I should be fine... question mark?."

Mom comes in and hugs me. "Ohhhhh...what am I Letting you fly off and be all alone for an entire week? In LA?"

"Mom? You do know that I'm eighteen...almost nineteen now? And I've done this before...remember when I went to Seattle?"

"Yes...but that was with your friends."

"Mom... I'm able to be out of the house."

"Don't say that." She laughs. "I know you are, I just wanna go with!"

I pull away from the hug. " this isn't about you worried about me? You just wanna go with!"

"No! Not at all! Its both!"

I laugh. "Yea I'm just kidding, I wish you could go too!"

"One of these times I will. It will be awesome! Could your dad come too?"

"Eh... Most hotels don't allow..."

We both say "dogs". And dad walks in.

"What did I just hear?" He fakes a mad face, and folds his arms.

"On nothing... Come on (YN) we got a plane to catch!" Mom giggles and pulls one of two suitcases out of my bedroom.

"I'm sure I heard something..." Dad mumbles then smiles. "You have fun kid."

"Oh I think I will." I give a nervous giggle, slinging my backpack on and roll out with my other bag. "Wish you could come and drop me off too."

"I would...but my boss wouldn't like that. It takes a half an hour to get from the airport, after being there for an hour. Which would be after the time I'd need to be at work.

"Who even came up with the idea of going to work at three?" I scoff.

Downstairs mom hands me a bag.

"What's this?" I ask holding it up.


"Restaurants? They do have those in airports..."

She takes the bag back. "What, out don't want my cookies?!"

"Ah! No never mind! Yes, yes I want them!" I yelp and grab it back.

"Guys! You'd better get going! Its already one forty-five." Dad says, hugging me. He opens the front door and shoos us out. "Have fun monkey!"

"Really dad? You haven't called me monkey for years."

"If it doesn't have a tail its not a monkey, even if it has a monkey kind of shape... if it doesn't have tail its not a monkey, if it doesn't have a tail its not a monkey its an ape!"

"The fuck really? I haven't heard that song for ages!" I laugh.

He tries not to laugh, but fails miserably.

"Mom? What's his problem?"

She is trying not to laugh too. Then she points to her butt.

I look behind me and see a piece of rope hanging from my belt loop. I whip it out. "Dad! No! Come on!" I throw it at him and jump in the car, pretending to pout.

Mom gets in and starts the engine. "Alright! Here we go! Or here you go?!"

Dad waves as we pull out of the driveway. "Look there it goes through the streets follow me! Its gotta be a monkey or an ape!"

"Dad!!! Its trees not streets!"

"What trees?" Dad asks. "Bye!"

I wave and off we go.

The car ride was quiet, I had finally, fallen asleep, to FOB.

When I woke up mom was trying to find a spot in a parking garage.

"Why does there have to be so many cars..." She mutters.

I shrug and carefully slide my hand toward the cookie bag.

"Don't you dare. Those are for later." Mom says, not even looking at me.

"Ooooh come on..." I grumble. "There's one!" I yell, startling my mom.

"What? where?" She yelps, slamming on the brake.

"Parking spot!" I laugh, pointing to it.

"Really?" She frowns at me and parks the car.

I jump out, laughing, and drag my bags out. Mom takes one and we make our way inside.

"So many people this early!" Mom exclaims, as we wade through a sudden large group of people.

"The world don't stop ma."

We finally make it to the front desk and find my airline section. We stand in line for a while, and a put a name tag on my backpack. When its my turn I hand over my bags, except for my backpack, and receive my tickets.

"Your flight is in a half an hour. Have a great day!" The lady cheerfully says.


Mom and I walk over to the security gate. Just before it, I stop and we hug one last time.

"See ya!" I tell her.

"Yea...get out of here!" She laughs."Stay safe!"

"I will!" I turn and walk over the line.

[O.o just wanted to say THANK YOU FOR 1.14K reads! Wtf?]
(I'm gonna be rewriting this book, I read a chapter and the cringe was unbearable XD. I just need to rewrite, and fix countless errors I made!)

In His Arms       (Antisepticeye x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now