Part two: tea

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"Cadet L/N?!" One cadet yelled at you, running towards you out of breath. "Cadet L/N?!"

You turned around confused and some what exhausted from this weeks work already. It was after hours and you should be all done and "off the clock" so you shouldn't be getting called, you should be on your way to the showers then bed.

"Yes?" You looked at the other cadet. They were your hight with brown hair and big brown eyes. You've never seen them before... if you have, you couldn't tell. You didn't pay attention much around here and you didn't care much about the other cadets. they had your life, you had yours and you just kept it that way.

" corporal wants to see you in his office.."

"Im sorry?" You asked in confusion. You haven't done anything wrong... you haven't talked to anyone in three days! why would he even be thinking of you.. let alone needing you in his office?

"Corporal needs you in his office. Right away cadet!"

"Why..?" You asked confused and in all honesty not believing the cadet.

The cadet shrugged and just blinked not knowing.

"He didn't tell you..?"

" no. I didn't ask questions."

You just started at them, confused and somewhat reluctant. They were right though...if they didn't ask questions neither should you.

"Alright. Thank you cadet, ill be right there." You both saluted at each other and you walked off in different directions. Dropping your facial features on the way there to their normal resting position.

Emotions were exhausting.

You walked through the halls and up the stairs, making your way to his office. Wondering what you could have possibly done to be called up here...

Where you getting kicked out of the squad..?Getting shipped somewhere else..? Something wrong with the last mission..? Your heart started to pound as your mind crawled to horrible places. Your plams were sweaty and you were slightly out of breath by the time you made it to your door. Your breath filled with anxiety and you shook with fear.

You gently knocked on his door, and you heard him clear his voice

"Come in."

You slowly pushed the door open and stood in the door way, saluting him.

" cadet L/N F/N sir, how can i be of service?"

"Come in and sit down.."

The office was dimly lit and really clean. A big leather chair was placed right in front of his desk, slightly out so you could sit.

"Yes sir!" you slauted again and following orders, sitting down infront of him. He watched you take your seat and he leaned forward. "Is there anything you need to um.. talk about..?"

The room went quiet and you just sat there, blank faced and somewhat confused.

There was a knock at the door, and Levi said for them to come in. A cadet pushed open the door while holding a rather large tray with tea stuff on it.

You got up to help her with out a second thought. She looked at you confused... and as soon as she was back on her own feet she pushed you off, not wanting your help at all. You stood there kinda baffled then sat down.

She sat the tea back on the desk than slauted and walked out. You looked at the tea and then him, confused and still exhausted.


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