Part Five

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This part will cover good brands of food to feed your Frenchie, when and how much to feed him/her, as well as what NOT to do.

Two good brands of food for French Bulldogs include the Royal Canin dog food for French bulldog puppies and adults. Another good brand is Blue dog food.

It is best you get your Frenchie a grain-free food.


Your Frenchie puppy needs to have 1.5 cups of food per day. Feed your Frenchie every morning, afternoon, and evening. Give your Frenchie half a cup of food for each meal.

For 6+ months, do about 2.5 cups a day, slowly adding more food with each meal.

(talk to your vet if you think you're doing it wrong, or if your Frenchie is under or overweight)

Feeding DON'TS

-Do not rebrand overnight. Instead, gradually mix the food, increasing the new dog food each time.

-Leave your Frenchie alone while they are eating. They may stop eating or become aggressive if you don't.

-Do not give your Frenchie scraps. This can cause weight gain.

-Do not feed your Frenchie by hand. This could cause an eating disorder if they are always waiting for you to give them food.

-Add stuff such as chicken in their food to make them eat. Adding this will make them continue eating even when not hungry which will cause weight gain. One exception is if they are sick and refuse to eat.

-Don't always use treats. This can cause weight gain, and praise works just as well.

Tip: Giving your puppy a NuVet tablet every day can solve some health problems (such as rashes) and make sure your Frenchie is getting all the nutrients he/she needs.

3 months & under: 1/4 tablet a day

3-6 months: 1/2 tablet a day

6+ months: 1 tablet per day

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