Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: no more nerd

Rylan's POV

I wake up this morning and decide that I'm not being a nerd anymore. Anyway it's Katrina's death anniversary today so no nerd clothes.

I change into a black tank top, shorts and white converses. I put my pink gold watch. Next I do my lipstick and then my mascara and eyeshadow.

 Next I do my lipstick and then my mascara and eyeshadow

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When I'm downstairs I take an apple to eat. Today I'm taking my jet-black motorbike. I grab my helmet,swung my leg over and start the engine and ride to school.

~At school

I get in parking space and someone says to me. "Yo bro what's up you wanna hang with us?" I raise my eyebrow at him but he can't see since I'm still wearing my helmet. I take it off and I hear lots of wolf whistles. "You were saying?" I say to the boy. I'm not dealing with any drama today. When I'm walking to school everyone is staring at me.

I get to my locker and my combination in. Then a boy walks up to me. "Is your name Google? Because you're everything I'm searching for." I ignore him. "We should get some coffee. Because I'm liking you a Latte."

I turn to look at him. "Look your lines are cheesy and I know you're only trying to get in my pants. I want drama free day and you're already making drama. So go back to your buddies and stay away from me." He looks taken back and puts his hands up in surrender and walks back to his buddies. They all yell 'rejected!' like so what.

First class P.E. I go to the girls changing room. I change into my clothes and my top goes to my waist (no it's not to small that's just how it is) I jog out onto the field and sit with the boys,since the girls are taking forever, and wait for this to start. "Rylan your not supposed to be here you're supposed to be in library studying." A boy said. I turned around to face him. "Look today is my dead friends anniversary and I would like a stress free day. But it seems like I can't."

"Miss Adams is something the problem?" Coach asks. I mutter a 'no sir' and carry on waiting. "Rylan can you go check on the girls?" He says. I get up and walk to the changing room.

When I get there I see everyone crowded round something. "Guys you need to get outside." But they ignore me. I walk to them and see a girl getting beaten up. "Hey! Stop!" And they stop. "What is wrong with you guys! This is not right! C'mon let's go on the field." I help the girl up and we both walk onto the field. "Will you be ok?" I ask her. She nods and when we get to the bleachers, the boys and Coach all look worried. Wow they actually care I thought.

"Ella are you ok?" Coach asks. I look at her and she nods then sits down. I sigh and run my hand through my hair. "Coach can Ella sit this one out?" I ask him. "No, she needs to exercise."

"Coach she can barely walk I doubt she'll be able to run. Her health is more important then exercise!" I say. "Rylan you're doing extra laps." Coach replies. "Like I care!" I shout.

~After school

Eventually Ella went home but I had to make up an excuse saying she fell down the stairs. Coach made me  do five laps instead of three. My legs are aching. But I'll be fine to go to the ring, I didn't actually go yesterday so I'll go today.

I haven't seen Luke since yesterday before I had to pick up my phone. I probably won't speak to him for the rest of the week. Some people would say 'you're over reacting' but I'm not he deserves it.

I was about to walk out when a group got in my way. I raise my eyebrow and say "Can I help you?" I ask. "We know you're not really a nerd." One says. I recognise him as the leader of Red Claw. "Look I don't have time for this, I have somewhere I need to be." I push past them and go to my car.

Why can't they leave me alone?

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