So many question fill up Tsuna's mind, but he shrug it off and start to work as a hacker seens his room is peaceful. No melon and scary carnivore is fighting, or a red octopus and a seaweed head fighting. He sigh as he was uncomfortable for the room is so quiet but then he continue his work seens this recently days he was absent.




Reborn on the other gave Ieyoshi a slice of chocolate cake as reward that Ieyoshi was showing progress towards his brother. He thinks that his student is learning the first lesson, that is to respect the family.

"I'm proud of of you baka-Iey." Reborn said while sitting beside Ieyoshi who was eating the cake in silent. He did not know what urge or what did he feel like on why o why he did save the dame-tsuna. "That Dame-Tsuna was a mistake right? And yet I felt something deep deep inside of the he isn't. Deep inside of me he was sonething.... Something important. I want to ask my mom and dad but I get the same answer, the Dame-Tsuna was just a Mistake!." Ieyoshi thought, then an scene come to his mind.

He saw a child with a warm smile to him, but its not clear seens its blur "Iey-nii." Said the boy in a cheerful smile. But then he was awaken as he could feel a smack from his head. Its was from spartan torture from hell.

"REBORN!!!" Ieyoshi yelled.
"Your not listening, A good boss should always be a good listener." Reborn said.
"Tsk, sorry. I was dozing off... What are you saying then?" Ieyoshi said.
"I'm saying that I was happy, seeing that my student save someone. That's new." Reborn said.
"Hm, I also think that that's new" Ieyoshi said.

After a minutes he stand up and went to his bed still in confuse on what was that scene he saw earlier, who the hell is that brad calling him Iey-nii.

"Reborn, want to sleep with me in my room?" Bianchi sit beside reborn, reborn stood up with tiny little legs.

"Nope, I'm going to deal with someone else." Reborn said as he walk out side the house. He immediately when to tree and start stalking the room beside it, it was Tsuna's room. He was kinda curious about a certain brunet.

Then he observe carefully that the brunet was typing at the lap top late at night, its like his working. Then Tsuna close lap top and sigh, he got his note pad and start writing before he open the window and made him show the note pad.

[Reborn, How long will you stalk me?]Tsuna hold the note pad and gave a tired smile.

"Well, that was fast. How did you know?" Reborn said as he jump onto the brunet head.

[I just feel that a pair of eyes was watching me and I found you.] Tsuna wrote.

"His Intuition was great, I wonder why did that Baka-Mitsu ignore a child like him. I could also sense a pure sky flames on this boy, purer than that baka-Iey" Reborn thiught.

"Then tell me, What are you doing in your lap top late at night?" Reborn ask.

[None of your business, beside its like you care.] Tsuna wrote, Reborn saw the eyes of tsuna that is full of pain and suffer.

"Baka-Mitsu, how long did you leave your family?" Reborn thought. Tsuna pick up reborn and was held in his chest with his arm as wrap around the hitman.

He then place the cute infant on the bed softly. Leon the chameleon jump to tsuna's shoulder and start liking at Tsuna's face. Tsuna giggle softly and pet the cute chameleon.

"Looks like leon Likes you, he never did that to anyone." Reborn said.
Tsuna's eyes was wide but immediately replace with a smile.

[Tell Leon that thank you, I like him too. His cute.] Tsuna wrote on the note pad and show it to reborn.

"Don't worry, he already knows that." Reborn said.

[Ahm... Reborn-san, An alien in my mind said that your staying here tonight, at my room. Is that true?] Tsuna wrote in the note pad.

"Wow, he gave name to his intuition, and its strong enough to tell him what exactly what am I here for. There's no doubt that he has strong intuition perfect to be a boss". Reborn thought.

"Yeah, and its not Alien. Its called Intuition" Reborn said.

[What Is intuition?] Tsuna made his show his pad.

"Its an ability to understand or feel something. Like what you have experience." Reborn said.

Like Tsuna doesn't know about that. Well tsuna already know about that seens a certain ghost say that to him. He was just pretending to be like this.

[Oh, Then can I trust my Intuition? I mean its saying that I can Trust you but I kinda doubt that seens your a Hitman.] Tsuna wrote.

Reborn eyes was wide open, he blink and blink. "Did his Intuition tell him that I'm a hitman? Did his Intuition tell him that he could trust me? How's that? Is his intuition is that strong???" Reborn thought of many question before he answer.

"It depends if you will trust it or not." Reborn reply.

Then Tsuna nodded as he was preparing a little space for reborn to sleep in the bed. He put a pillow between his space, and reborn space. Silent fill the room and its a comfortable silent, reborn can use to this kind of Silent.

"Tsuna, who are you really? I mean... Base on the report I gather you are but a DAME" Reborn ask Tsuna calmly. Tsuna just sigh.

[Were did you get that Information? My Intuition said that it was from my Father's report due to his a CEDEF of Vongola Mafia Famiglia, am I correct or wrong? If I'm wrong then I guest I couldn't trust my Intuition.] Tsuna wrote to the note pad.

"What!? This boy Intuition is strong. Damn Iemitsu." Reborn though.

"Yes every detail was correct." Reborn said.


Thanks for reading
Hope you like it😄😄

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