Uncle Luc Saves The Day

Start from the beginning

  "He has a right to know."

  "Yes but never this early! Why didn't you just give it to him straight then." Severus looked at The boy and his heart broke and spoke the words he never wanted to tell him. "Harry, your parents are dead." And Harry knew what dead meant. He had a small goldfish that passed away a few months ago. The poor boy was heartbroken. He saw Harry squirm and try to get down from the man. The aroura couldn't hold on to him so he put him down. Harry stumbled over to Severus and wrapped his small boy around his legs.

  "They can't be. T-they c-c-cant be!" The boy cried into his legs. Severus kneeled down and scooped the boy into his arms, both of them crying together.

  "I know little one. I don't want them to be dead either. But they are. But will get through it, in the end, will be alright." Severus knew he was speaking a hollow promise. He couldn't tell if they would be alright. Especially after Albus tells him that Harry can't stay with him.

  "A-am I to sfay with you?" The small boy asked him as he looked at him with teary eyes. Severus let a few more tears fall down his face before he answered.

  "I'm afraid not little one. You'll be going to your aunt and uncle's house." Harry began to cry more, crystal clear tears falling out of his emerald green eyes. Severus could begin to feel the small boy's body shake with unshed tears that were yet to come.

  "B-b-but why can'f I go wiff you?" He wailed. 

  "Well, that's where you can be the safest." As Severus said that he shot the headmaster a nasty glare.

  "W-will I see you agan?" 

  "When you're eleven. You will come to a school and you'll see me." Severus said his heart breaking into little pieces he was sure would never come back together again until he sees Harry again. Harry wrapped himself tighter around Severus and cried as hard as he possibly could. The aroura couldn't even look at them any longer. He turned his attention to the window but you could still see the trace of tears falling down his face. 

  "It's getting late. We should be going." Dumbledore said when he noticed the little boy and fallen asleep. Severus gave one last glance at the sweet child in his arms and kissed his forehead.

  "Goodbye Harry." He choked out as he passed the sleeping child to the aroura. Before he lost control of himself he rushed out of the room and down to his chambers. Once he arrived there his magic flared and anything in a two feet radius of him, which was two side tables, a small shelf filled with empty vials and a door that led to the bathroom, where blown to oblivion. He felt his back hit the door behind him and he sank down to the floor and he placed his head on his knees and continued to cry. He cried for hours, he doesn't know how long. For days he felt numb. He felt like a ghost just passing by. He would wake up, eat, teach, eat, teach, eat, grade, go to bed and repeat the process. No real thought was required. Then the anger set in. He became the person you didn't upset, for once you did, he would lose his control. People began to hate his class, then they became scared for their safety and their professors. It got so bad Albus told him to take the next year off to collect himself. He tried to find Harry at Privet Drive, but Albus must have thought he would do this for he hid the house from his view. He returned to his home more sad and angry than before. But when Harry's birthday came around he retreated back into the sadness for a few days before the anger came back even worse. He didn't go back when September first came around. He told Albus he would come back when he was good and ready to. Albus could see Severus meant what he said. He would need a good amount of time before he went back to his normal self. Then Halloween rolled around and Severus slipped into a depression and anger. No one heard from him in months. That was until his friend Lucius Malfoy paid him a visit.

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