
After many rounds of lust-filled sex that lasted until dawn, Malia woke up in the morning in Klaus' hotel room. It was a fancy one, he obviously either compelled the room or paid with money he compelled to get.

She hadn't ever had experience with partners other than Stiles, so it was a wild experience for her. And Stiles couldn't compete with Klaus' skills in the bedroom.

Malia tried to be as quiet as possible as she went around the room to find pieces of her discarded clothes. She almost laughed when she saw that her phone was somehow plugged into a charger on the wall, not even recalling how she would've had time to do that before everything happened.

She unplugged her phone and saw she had a lot of missed calls and texts since she turned her phone off the night prior. The only messages that she felt worth reading were two sent by Hayley. It was a closeup picture of the werewolf's birthmark. Malia was planning on going to visit some friends of the Hale pack in a different part of California on her own to try and see if they had any information on the birthmark.

Malia actually had her own, oddly-shaped birthmark that did not have any connection to any werewolf packs so they just wrote it off as a weird birthmark.

As Malia focused on looking at the picture of the birthmark that she was sent, the werecoyote wasn't able to notice that Klaus was now awake and smirking as his gaze lingered over the woman in front of him.

"Going so soon, love?" Klaus teased which earned him an eye roll from the Hale. "I have things to do" Malia stated, a hint of sass in her tone as she was only half-serious. "Of course. Things to do, places to be, people to break the hearts of" Klaus continued to tease until he peered over Malia's shoulder and saw the photo that Malia had been sent.

"That mark, I've seen it before" Malia's shoulders tensed when she realized that he was talking about the birthmark of her best friend and pack mate. She spun around to face the original hybrid and glowered at him threateningly. If Klaus had been anybody else, he would've cowered in fear from said look.

"Don't lie, not about this. Hayley is my best friend, my family, and I don't take these things lightly" Malia growled, flashing her blue werecoyote eyes in warning. Hayley was the closest thing she had to a sister since her younger sister Kylie died.

"I wouldn't dare lie to you about this, little coyote. Matters of family are sacred" This was one of those rare moments where Klaus was completely serious, Malia had no idea just how rare it was due to not knowing him that long and only knowing a bit of the rumor circling around about the original hybrid.

Klaus noticed how hesitant Malia was to trust him with this still. He wanted to tell her the truth, he had heard her mention that her best friend was out looking for leads on her birth family and Malia was planning on leaving her small town to help her.

He knew what it was like to want to know about a certain part of yourself that was taken away from you, he knew that Malia did too. Plus, he gained respect for the woman quite easily after drawing so many connections between them, and yet she became the hero in the end.

"In my considerable lifetime, I've only seen that mark on a handful of others, all from the same bloodline--a werewolf clan that once thrived throughout much of what we now call Louisiana" Despite the reluctance inside of Malia when it came to trusting this man she didn't know, she was desperate for any information that would lead to Hayley's birth family. After everything that Hayley had done for her and the Hale pack before Malia was even born, this was the least she could do.

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