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Rating: 1 being the worst - 10 being absolutely excellent.  

Title: Strangers

Genre: Short Story

Chapters Read: 7 and the A/N

Review: I was pleasantly surprised to find the characters stayed consistent with the way they were designed. Some authors go off track and has their character say or do something that doesn't fit with how they were originally described, but I did not find that here. You're going to have to recheck your chapters for mistakes as I found punctuation and grammatical errors, though it was rare it was present. This story actually didn't rub me off as a "Short Story" but instead as a short novel. Short stories don't usually(or possibly never) have multiple chapters. They are more like a long story without breaking it down. You can use *~*~*~*~*, /~/~/~/, etc. to skip to a different part instead of chapters, but that is only if you would prefer a traditional Short Story. I loved the two main characters; they suited each other exceptionally well. You are able to capture the main and background characters emotions, problems, and personalities perfectly. The story did not feel rushed, you took your time with it, I personally appreciate that. You are able to portray the characters internal and external difficulties greatly. You did not go overboard with descriptions or introductions. Speaking of introductions, your intro for chapter one was unique and relatable with other readers. Don't be afraid to put your author notes in your stories. If they are too long, then put it at the end of the chapter. If they must be put at the beginning of the chapter then keep it short and simple; straight to the point. I saw you censor curse words, which is fine but you don't have to censor the whole word. Shit could be sh*t, but that is my opinion on it, if you are uncomfortable with uncensored curse words that is fine. You switch POV's between the main characters, but will stick with only one POV throughout a chapter(thank God), and I love that. Overall, I highly enjoyed reading this story and would recommend it, your book is underrated and I will be waiting for the next update. Good luck! 

Rate(1-10): 9/10

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