Start from the beginning

"So far, you've given us no reason to believe that you're a threat to us. Don't do anything to screw that up." Sam warned her. He watched as her grey wolf bowed its head, showing him that she understood.

He began his trek to the pack house with Dakota following closely behind. They didn't speak, not once. They just silently walked together and the two managed to travel through the thick forest within no time. When they made it out, Dakota could see a cottage ahead in the clearing. It was small but looked very warm and inviting. It was very similar to her old pack house. Instantly, it brought back unwanted memories and Sam could see them. With Dakota being able to hear and see into his head, he could do the same vice versa. He saw all the small moments in her life that flashed. Most being her and several boys laughing and joking around; some with her and who he assumed to be her father. The night when she laid on the ground, screaming from the top of her lungs in excruciating pain. Then before he knew it, he saw the moment her father banished her. He saw the look of disgust that her father and elders gave her. Sam could feel the pain and heartbreak that she felt in that moment.

"Sam! You're back!" A voice called out, snapping both Sam and Dakota from their minds. Suddenly it was like a stampede, as several shirtless boys, all sporting the same tribal tattoo, came running from the house.

Both Sam and Dakota, went into trees so they could shift and change back into their clothes. The two quickly returned back to the group after putting on their clothing and as expected, when the pack realized who Sam had returned with, a look of shock appeared onto their faces.

"Why is she here?" Dakota's eyes immediately glanced towards the boy who stood in the middle of the group. He was obviously older than most of the pack but visibly younger than Sam.

"Paul." Sam said in a warning tone. He was silently daring Paul to say anything out of line.

"You bring this leech to our pack house and we can't know why she's here?" He fired back. Dakota refrained herself from wincing at the insult against her. She hated being called that.

"She's here to train you against the newborns." Sam informed the group. "You will train with her and that's an order." Everyone knew that the pack had no choice but to listen to Sam's order. They physically could not go against it. No pack member could disobey the order of their alpha.

"I don't want to do this just as much as you guys but we all need the training. We've never dealt with a newborn before, let alone an army of them." He sighed, running a hand through his dark hair before continuing again. "You will listen to Dakota's input and take her advice seriously. I don't plan on losing any of you. Am I clear?"

They all reluctantly nodded, respecting and understanding their alpha, despite not liking what he had to do. Sam gave the pack a grateful nod in return before observing them, a confused look appearing onto his face, "Where's Jacob?"

"With the leech-lover." The only girl in the pack scoffed.

"Oh come on, Leah." A boy, who had similar facial features to the girl said. However, Leah didn't seem to care, "Why do we have to help Bella? She's the one who got herself into that mess to begin with, Seth." Dakota smirked, she was liking this Leah chick more and more by the second.

"We're helping her because of Jacob." One of the boys spoke up reminding her, but judging by the sound of his voice, he didn't seem very happy about it himself.

"It doesn't really matter why you're doing it. The fact is that you are and you need to keep yourselves alive." Dakota spoke up, putting an end to the bickering among the pack. They all snapped their heads in her direction and narrowed their eyes at her.

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