Salute the King & Expel the Intruder

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Now you have officially entered Salah when you proclaimed "Allahu Akbar". You lower your gaze to the place of your Sujood [prostration] and you now place your hands right over left and close to your heart/lower chest. Why? Imagine that you have walked into a royal palace and you enter upon a group of people standing in the distance. Some in the group fix their gaze boldly at you with their arms comfortably at their sides. The other group stands with their gaze to the ground and their hands clasped in front of them.

Just from the way they stand; you will easily be able to distinguish the royalty from the palace servants, wouldn't you? It is not befitting of us, as servants, but to stand in a position of humility when we face Our Lord. It is humbling when we remember who we really are before Him.

But let us remember that the humility due to Allah is a dignifying humility because, in essence, it liberates us from the undue humility to fellow man. As the Prophet ﷺ said, "The one who humbles himself before Allah is elevated [by Allah] in honor!"

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