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*Georgia's POV*

A wide smile spread slowly across my face and I brought my hand down to my stomach with happy tears in my eyes. The simple two lines meant so much to me. To us. I couldn't wait until he came home in, I checked the clock on the TV, two hours. As I had the remote, I turned the screen on and was about to change channels when something caught my eye on the news. 

...and a mystery girl were seen kissing after a romantic dinner in one of London's top restaurants last night. Is this a new girlfriend? Who is she? And what's happened to Georgia Rosalina?

'Yes. What did happen to me?' I thought with tears swimming in my eyes. He told me he was on tour. He was on tour, I'd heard about the shows on the internet and TV. And he wasn't supposed to land at the airport from America until14:30 today so how could he have been in London with that girl yesterday? I chocked back a sob and grabbed a suitcase, filling it with everything I owned that was in his flat. I was never going to speak to him again and I was certainly never going back to that flat. With shaking hands I dialled my sister's number on my phone and hurriedly explained the situation to her. She agreed to meet me around the corner and I went to shut the door, only at the last second remembering what I had been doing previously. I darted into the bathroom and snatched up the pregnancy test, then slammed the front door and dragged my bags to the prearranged meeting place. 

I lay my hand flat against my stomach and sent up a wish, a prayer and a promise. 

"I'll protect you."

Word Count: 303

A Guide to Finding Fathers (A One Direction FanFiction) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora