Chapter 15: Purple Cat

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Sorry for the delay guys. I was taking a break then I started writing my original story and kind of got caught up in the moment and almost forgot I had a fanfiction to write. So, that's my bad. Anyways, enjoy.

Just in case some of you didn't know, they just announced the actress who'll be playing Raven for the new Teen Titans live action show, an Australian actress named Teagan Croft.


Damian is out of danger at the moment. Karen Beecher was able to revive him but there's no telling how long it will last until he has another seizure. He's under observation for a while. Karen explains to everyone that Damian Wayne has Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (also known as stress cardiomyopathy), a type of non-ischemic cardiomyopathy in which there is a sudden temporary weakening of the muscular portion of the heart. This can be triggered by emotional stress. Stress cardiomyopathy can cause acute heart failure, lethal ventricular arrhythmia - a group of conditions that make the heartbeat irregular, the heart rate become above 100 beats per minutes and is called a tachycardia, and ventricular rupture. The symptoms of arrhythmia are lightheadedness, shortness of breath, passing put and chest pains. Meaning that it's very dangerous. Karen then explains that the only solution for Damian is heart replacement. He needs a new heart. His old heart is already too damaged to fix.

Raven is still in shock. Trying to heal Damian affected her immensely. She failed. It never happened before. The heart is too damaged for her to fix, just like the doctor said. Jason and Kori stayed by her side until she calmed down. The moment she was taken out of the room, she was shaking terribly and hyperventilating.

Now she's just sitting on the floor, drinking water yet still shaking with her face completely drained. Kori tries to remain her calm, patting her head and making sure she keeps drinking water to maintain her hydrated.

"It's okay," Kori says, "Damian is going to be fine."

Raven doesn't reply, clearly unconvinced. She hugs her legs and puts her chin on her knees. Damian is dying, that's much she knows.

Jason confronts Bruce and Dick about the ordeal. Dick knew that Damian is sick since the beginning and didn't say anything, not even to the Titans or Kori, the girl he trusts most. He lied to everyone. Both he and Bruce. And there's a possibility that Alfred knows as well.

"How could you do that to us?" he snaps at Bruce, "More importantly, how could you do that to him? To your own son. He's sick and you decided not to say anything."

"That was my decision make, not yours!" Bruce snaps, "I didn't want to worry him or the others. I was going to tell him sooner ─."

"Why didn't you?"

"I was trying to find a solution for him!"

"And did you!? Or are you going to keep that a secret too!?"

"Yes I did! But I need to talk to Damian first."

Jason frowns at Bruce. "Why?"

"He's not going to like what I need to tell him."

"Which is?"

"I can't tell you."

Jason grows red in the face and growls. "You see? This is the reason why everyone you care about leaves! Dick, Barbara, Tim, Stephanie and now Damian. The only reason why Alfred never left your sorry ass is because you have no one else left."

Bruce grabs Jason by the shirt collar and slams him against the wall. "You think I wanted this!?" he yells angrily. "You think I wanted this!? I didn't!"

Teen Titan: The Judas Contract.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt